
Publikacije (41)

J. Kirbis, A. Milutinović, K. Steblovnik, N. Teran, R. Terzić, M. Zorc

Receptor for advanced glycation end products (RAGE) plays a role in atherosclerosis in diabetics. There are two functional polymorphisms in the promoter of the RAGE gene (-429T/C and -374T/A). The aim of this study was to look for a relationship between the -429T/C and the -374T/A gene polymorphisms of the RAGE gene and the development of coronary artery disease (CAD) in the Slovene population with type 2 diabetes of duration longer than 10 years. One hundred and sixty-eight subjects with diabetes and CAD were compared to 241 diabetic subjects without CAD. The -429T/C and the -374T/A RAGE genotype distributions in patients with CAD (-429T/C: CC: 3%, TC: 31%, TT: 66.0%; -374T/A:AA: 7.7%, TA: 48.2%, TT: 44.1%) were not significantly different from those in patients without CAD (-429 T/C: CC: 1.7%, TC: 26.1%, TT: 72.2%; -374T/A: AA: 11.2%, TA: 43.2%, TT: 45.6%). Our study failed to demonstrate an association between either the -429T/C or the -374T/A gene polymorphism of the RAGE gene and CAD in the Slovene population with type 2 diabetes of duration longer than 10 years.

R. Zorc-Pleskovič, Matjaz Bidovec, D. Bregar, A. Milutinović, R. Terzić, N. Teran

In order to investigate the contribution of the atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) gene in pathogenesis of essential arterial hypertension (EAH), we analyzed the ScaI gene polymorphism of the ANF gene in a group of children with EAH. Fifty-eight children, aged 8-19 years, with the diagnosis of EAH were included in the association study and were compared to 57 subjects with normal blood pressure (the control group). Arterial hypertension was defined as systolic/diastolic blood pressure higher than the 95th age-gender-height percentile of the adopted reference values. We failed to demonstrate an association between the ScaI ANF gene polymorphism and EAH in childhood (OR = 2; 95% CI 0.9-4.2; p = 0.07), however, we provided evidence of an interaction between the ScaI ANF gene polymorphism and obesity defined as BMI over the 85th percentile (OR = 13.1; 95% CI 1.6-106; p < 0.001).

S. Rootsi, T. Kivisild, G. Benuzzi, H. Help, M. Bermisheva, I. Kutuev, L. Barác, M. Peričić et al.

To investigate which aspects of contemporary human Y-chromosome variation in Europe are characteristic of primary colonization, late-glacial expansions from refuge areas, Neolithic dispersals, or more recent events of gene flow, we have analyzed, in detail, haplogroup I (Hg I), the only major clade of the Y phylogeny that is widespread over Europe but virtually absent elsewhere. The analysis of 1,104 Hg I Y chromosomes, which were identified in the survey of 7,574 males from 60 population samples, revealed several subclades with distinct geographic distributions. Subclade I1a accounts for most of Hg I in Scandinavia, with a rapidly decreasing frequency toward both the East European Plain and the Atlantic fringe, but microsatellite diversity reveals that France could be the source region of the early spread of both I1a and the less common I1c. Also, I1b*, which extends from the eastern Adriatic to eastern Europe and declines noticeably toward the southern Balkans and abruptly toward the periphery of northern Italy, probably diffused after the Last Glacial Maximum from a homeland in eastern Europe or the Balkans. In contrast, I1b2 most likely arose in southern France/Iberia. Similarly to the other subclades, it underwent a postglacial expansion and marked the human colonization of Sardinia approximately 9,000 years ago.

S. Cvjetan, Helle-Viivi Tolk, L. B. Lauc, Ivana Čolak, D. Dordević, L. Efremovska, B. Janićijević, A. Kvesić et al.

Mitochondrial DNA polymorphisms were analyzed in of 1,610 randomly chosen adult men from 11 different regions from southeastern Europe (Croatians, Bosnians and Herzegovinians, Serbians, Macedonians and Macedonian Romani). MtDNA HVS-I region together with RFLP sites diagnostic for main Euroasian and African mtDNA haplogroups were typed to determine haplogroup frequency distribution. The most frequent haplogroup in studied populations was H with the exception of Macedonian Romani among whom the most frequent were South Asian (Indian) specific variants of haplogroup M. The multidimensional scaling plot showed two clusters of populations and two outliers (Macedonian Romani and the most distant from mainland Croatian island of Korcula). The first cluster was formed by populations from three Croatian islands (Hvar, Krk and Brac) and the second cluster was formed by Macedonians, Serbians, Croatians from mainland and coast, Herzegovinians, Bosnians, Slovenians, Poles and Russians. The present analysis does not address a precise evaluation of phylogenetic relations of studied populations although some conclusions about historical migrations could be noticed. More extended conclusions will be possible after deeper phylogenetic and statistical analyses.

J. Hadžihalilović, R. Hadziselimovic, R. Terzić, E. Hasković, A. Ahmić, Amir H Halilović, M. Osmić, Šaćira Mešalić et al.

Dynamics of growth of male children and youths from the Region of Tuzla influenced by some exogenous factors was researched by a corresponding analysis of the sample which included 751 tested individuals, aged from 11 to 17 years. The analysis performed is primarily based on the scientific elaboration of the registered state in two time-points (1996 and 1999) in the tested part of broader population. This research involved the period of four-year aggression on Bosnia and Herzegovina, taking into consideration the fact that the tested persons spent one period of their growth and development in extremely bad wartime living conditions. By quasicanonic correlative analysis it was established that the next factors participated in connection of variables of both sets (initial and final measurements): mother's standard, total mother's and father's standard of living, mother's age and sequence of births participated to some less extent in connection of both sets of variables. Anthropometric variables that had most significant impact of both sets of variables are: length parameters, body mass, width parameters, circumferences had somewhat less impact, while indexes of head and sitting height had the least impact on this connection.

D. Petrovič, D. Bregar, B. Gužič-Salobir, E. Škof, M. Špan, R. Terzić, M. G. Petrovič, I. Keber et al.

In this association study the authors compared the insertion/deletion (I/D) angiotensin-I converting enzyme (ACE) gene polymorphism in females and males with premature myocardial infarction (MI). I/D ACE gene polymorphism was tested in 738 subjects: 302 patients with MI (151 men and 151 women) and 436 healthy subjects (207 men and 229 women). In women the ACE-DD genotype was not associated with MI (OR 1.1, 95% CI 0.6-2.1, p=0.6), whereas the ACE-DD genotype conferred a 2-fold independent risk for MI in men (95% CI=1.2-3.4; p=0.013) after adjustment for cardiovascular risk factors. The authors found evidence for the sex difference in the effect of the ACE-DD genotype on MI risk. The ACE-DD genotype conferred a 2-fold independent risk for premature MI in males.

K. Writzl, A. Sehić, R. Terzić, B. Peterlin

Deletions of two of four DAZ (Deleted in AZoospermia) gene copies located on the Y chromosome were associated with spermatogenic failure, but the information on DAZ copy number is still very scarce. The aim of this study was to determine the frequency of partial DAZ gene deletions and to analyze the existence of duplications in general Slovenian and Bosnian population. To answer these questions, we used real time PCR. We analyzed 100 male samples from Slovenian and Bosnian general population. The incidence of two DAZ gene copies was 6% (3/50) in Slovenian population. The incidence of more than four DAZ genes was 2% (1/50) in Slovenian population and 8% (4/50) in Bosnian population. Observed differences have not reached statistical significance. In conclusion we demonstrate that DAZ genes are not only prone to deletions but also to duplication events. Further studies are needed to estimate the prevalence of these mutations and its' relevance to male infertility.

R. Terzić, M. Letonja, I. Terzić, A. Sehić, M. Merić, N. Teran

Angiotensin II is the major effector molecule of renin-angiotensin system; its production can be conveniently interrupted by angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE). Typical plasma levels of ACE accompany the I/D polymorphism; however, a controversy exists as to whether the DD genotype of the ACE polymorphism affects the risk for the development of coronary artery disease (CAD) and to what extent the ACE polymorphism is associated with CAD in different populations. We compared the I/D polymorphism in 212 CAD patients younger than 50 years with 165 healthy control individuals. They were all from the Tuzla region in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Patients with CAD had a higher prevalence of the DD genotype (36.3%) than controls (25.6%). The odds ratio for the ACE DD genotype in CAD patients was 1.7 (95% confidence interval 1.0-2.7; p < 0.05). We may conclude that the D/D genotype of the ACE gene polymorphism is associated with an increased risk for CAD in the Bosnian population.

R. Terzić, E. Tupković, N. Logar, A. Sehić, E. Duricić, O. Sinanović, B. Peterlin

Huntington's disease is the most prominent basal ganglion disease. Huntington's gene, IT15, in chromosome 4p16.3, has 67 axons with 10,366 bp coding space and unstable CAG sequence that codes glutamine on 5' terminal. The molecular-genetic analysis of disease determined expansion of nucleotide repeated CAG sequences. In large Bosnian family with Huntington's disease specific DNA diagnosis of IT15 gene mutation is performed, according the wishes of one female member with "high genetic risk", that voluntarily accessed to DNA test in order to make plans for her own family "without risk" of pathologic gene transmission. A mutation in IT15 gene (number of CAG tandem repeats 46, size of DNA fragment 165 bp and 245 bp) is detected in DNA of her clinically affected brother. But, results of PCR analysis of her DNA sample showed 23 CAG tandem repeats (fragment size 180 bp) that excluded presence of Huntington's disease. We accentuate importance of DNA test in persons with "genetic risk", that are not gene carriers. In that case there are able to create own future without fear of pathological gene transmission.

Ž. Džumhur, S. Zec, A. Buljina, R. Terzić

OBJECTIVE To monitor the growth of underweight children enrolled in a therapeutic feeding programme in Sarajevo during the war. DESIGN About 17% of the total child population in the age group one to 14 years were assessed for eligibility to join a therapeutic feeding programme. All those who were found to be underweight (weight for age < 10th percentile), or suffering from certain diseases or disabilities were included in the programme. SETTING Monitoring took place in health centres and clinics in besieged Sarajevo. SUBJECTS A total of 49,780 children aged one to 14 years were estimated to be living in Sarajevo between May 1993 and March 1994 and 8361 (16.8%) were assessed during this period. Of these, 1283 (2.6% of the total child population) were found to be underweight and enrolled in the programme. INTERVENTIONS The public were informed about the therapeutic feeding programme through the media. All children who came forward for initial assessment were weighed, had their heights measured and were medically examined by a team of medical personnel. Those found to be underweight were included in the programme which provided high quality food items, donated as food parcels. Children were re-weighed at three monthly intervals. When a child's weight increased to 0.5 kg above 10th percentile, the child left the programme. RESULTS Of 1283 children enrolled in the programme, 650 (50.7%) were suffering from chronic diseases while the remaining 633 (49.3%) were underweight only. Undernutrition was highest in the four to six year old age group (19.3% with low weight for age). Over half (58.3%) of the children who were underweight but not sick gained a satisfactory weight during the study period and left the programme. CONCLUSIONS The results suggest that the therapeutic feeding programme was successful in improving growth in a self-selected sample of underweight children.

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