
Publikacije (21)

A. Arslanagić, E. Raljević

Inhibitors of angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE inhibitors) have been introduced more than fifteen years ago into the treatment of hypertension, congestive heart failure, myocardial infarction and diabetic nephropathy. The therapeutic success is related to their action in reduction of plasma and tissue angiotensin II concentrations and potentiation of endogenous kinins. They are able to improve myocardium metabolic status, prevent cardiac hypertrophy, limit myocardial infarct size, and thus prevent heart failure. Since 1987 ACE inhibitors are introduced in the clinical practice in our clinic. We introduced the therapy with lisinopril (Lopril), in 70% of patients among 2855 patients that were admitted in Coronary Care Unit in 1997 and 1998. Lisinopril was introduced as soon as the patient was admitted, together with fibrinolitic, Heparin and Aspirin therapy. Since that time we noticed decrease in postinfarction heart failure in comparison to previous years. We recommend permanent therapy with a small doses of ACE inhibitors in patients with heart infarction.

B. Kapetanović, Z. Ridanović, O. Petrovic, A. Arslanagić

We analyzed 128 electrocardiograms (ECG) of 43 patients with haemorrhagic fever associated with kidney syndrome (HFKS) during an epidemic in 1989, region around Sarajevo. The greatest number of alternations was noticed in toxic phase, and the smallest number in invasive phase of disease. All alternations were transient. Extended QT interval was dominant, and was found in 19 patients (45%). Tall and peaked T wave in the case of 17 patients or in 40%, during toxic and recovering phase, was the second by its frequency. As the third by its frequency, there was U wave manifestation. We found this kind of alternation in the case of 13 patients or in 31%. Incomplete right bundle branch block was the most frequent find during invasive phase of HTKS and it was found in 3/7 of all patients. The same thing was found in 6 patients more, during toxic phase, so in total it was 21%. First degree AV block was presented in 8 patients or 19%. Other finds, ischemia, P-pulmo, arrhythmia etc. had frequency less than 10%.

A. Arslanagić, I. Zulić, M. Mušanović, D. Softić, I. Karamehmedović

Cytostatics, besides having a desired therapeutic effect on the tumor, also cause side effects which are sometimes a limiting factor in their application. We have observed the type and intensity of side effects of cytostatic therapy suffered by patients with breast cancer during postoperative period (after radical mastectomy) 28 patients have been treated by CMF protocol (cyclophosphamide, methotrexate, 5-fluorouracil) 29 patients by FAC protocol (5-fluorouracil, adriamycin cyclophosphamide) 31 patients by Cooper protocol (cyclophosphamide, methotrexate, 5-fluorouracil, vincristine, prednizon). The patients have been under observation during a six-months period, while they have been submitted to the adjuvant chemotherapy. On the basis of the results obtained, it can be concluded that CMF protocol turned to be best tolerated. Protocol CMF was to a much lesser extent cause to alopecia, paresthesia, vomiting, urogenital disorders as componed to FAC and Cooper protocols. For that reason the adjuvant chemotherapy for patients with breast cancer should start with the CMF protocol, while FAC and Cooper protocols should be saved for the second line of treatment in case of unfavourable reaction to the CMF protocol.

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