
Publikacije (6)


In this paper we investigate measure-theoretic properties of the class of all weakly mixing transformations on a finite measure space which preserve measurability. The main result in this paper is the following theorem: If $\phi $ is a weakly mixing transformation on a finite measure space $( S, \mathcal A , \mu )$ with the property that $\phi (\mathcal A ) \subseteq \mathcal A ,$ then for every $A, B $ in $\mathcal A$ there is a subset $J(A,B)$ of the set of non-negative integers of density zero such that $\lim _{m \to \infty ,m \notin J(A,B)} \mu (A \cap \phi ^m(B)) = (\mu (A) / \mu (S))\lim _{n \to \infty } \mu \,(\phi^n(B)).$ Furthermore, we show that for most useful measure spaces we can strengthen the preceding statement to obtain a set of density zero that works for all pairs of measurable sets $A$ and $ B.$ As corollaries we obtain a number of inclusion theorems. The results presented here extend the well-known classical results (for invertible weakly mixing transformations), results of R. E. Rice [17] (for strongly mixing), a result of C. Sempi [19] (for weakly mixing) and previous results of the author [8, 10] (for weakly mixing and ergodicity).   2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary: 28D05, 37A25; Secondary: 37A05, 47A35

Let ($S, \mathfrak{A}, \mu$) be a finite measure space and let $\phi: S \rightarrow S$ be a transformation which preserves the measure $\mu$. The purpose of this paper is to give some (measure theoretical) necessary and sufficient conditions for the transformation $\phi$ to be measurability-preserving ergodic with respect to $\mu$. The obtained results extend well-known results for invertible ergodic transformations and complement the previous work of R.E. Rice on measurability-preserving strong-mixing transformations.   2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary: 28D0

Hana Fatkic, A. Sklar, Huse Fatkić

In this paper, we investigate metric properties and dispersive effects of strongly mixing transformations on general metric spaces endowed with a probability measure; in particular, we investigate their connections with the theory of generalized (α-harmonic) diameters on general metric spaces. We first show that the known result by R. E. Rice ([Aequationes Math. 17(1978), 104-108], Theorem 2) (motivated by some physical phenomena and offer some clarifications of these phenomena), which is a substantial improvement of Theorems 1 and 2 due to T. Erber, B. Schweizer and A. Sklar [Comm. Math. Phys., 29 (1973), 311 – 317], can be generalized in such a way that this result remains valid when "ordinary diameter" is replaced by "α-harmonic diameter of any finite order". Next we show that  "ordinary essential diameter" in the mentioned Rice's result can be replaced by the" essential α-harmonic diameter  of any finite order". These  results also complement the previous results (on dynamical systems with discrete time and/or generalised diameters) of N. Faried and M. Fathey, H. Fatkic, E. B. Saff, S. Sekulovic and V.  Zakharyuta.

Huse Fatkić, Mehmed Brkic

In this paper, we investigate metric properties and dispersive effects of strongly mixing transformations on general metric spaces endowed with a finite measure; in particular, we investigate their connections with the theory of generalized (geometric) diameters on general metric spaces. We first show that the known result by Rice [17,Theorem 2] (motivated by some physical phenomena and offer some clarifications of these phenomena), which is a substantial improvement of Theorems 1 and 2 due to Erber, Schweizer and Sklar [4], can be generalized in such a way that this result remains valid when “ordinary diameter” is replaced by “geometric diameter of any finite order”. Next we show that “ordinary essential diameter” in the mentioned Rice’s result can be replaced by “essential geometric diameter of any finite order”. These results also complement the previous results of Fatkic [ 6,8,10], Saff [18] and Sempi [20].

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