
Publikacije (21)

K. Baur, Dusko Bogdanic, Ana GARCIA ELSENER

Abstract In this note, we correct an oversight regarding the modules from Definition 4.2 and proof of Lemma 5.12 in Baur et al. (Nayoga Math. J., 2020, 240, 322–354). In particular, we give a correct construction of an indecomposable rank $2$ module $\operatorname {\mathbb {L}}\nolimits (I,J)$ , with the rank 1 layers I and J tightly $3$ -interlacing, and we give a correct proof of Lemma 5.12.

Dusko Bogdanic, I. Boroja

In this paper, we study indecomposable rank 2 modules in the Grassmannian cluster category CM(B5,10). This is the smallest wild case containing modules whose profile layers are 5-interlacing. We construct all rank 2 indecomposable modules with a specific natural filtration, classify them up to isomorphism, and parameterize all infinite families of non-isomorphic rank 2 modules

Dusko Bogdanic, I. Boroja

Rank $1$ modules are the building blocks of the category ${\rm CM}(B_{k,n}) $ of Cohen-Macaulay modules over a quotient $B_{k,n}$ of a preprojective algebra of affine type $A$. Jensen, King and Su showed in \cite{JKS16} that the category ${\rm CM}(B_{k,n})$ provides an additive categorification of the cluster algebra structure on the coordinate ring $\mathbb C[{\rm Gr}(k, n)]$ of the Grassmannian variety of $k$-dimensional subspaces in $\mathbb C^n$. Rank $1$ modules are indecomposable, they are known to be in bijection with $k$-subsets of $\{1,2,\dots,n\}$, and their explicit construction has been given in [8]. In this paper, we give necessary and sufficient conditions for indecomposability of an arbitrary rank 2 module in ${\rm CM}(B_{k,n})$ whose filtration layers are tightly interlacing. We give an explicit construction of all rank 2 decomposable modules that appear as extensions between rank 1 modules corresponding to tightly interlacing $k$-subsets $I$ and $J$.

K. Baur, Dusko Bogdanic, Jian-Rong Li

The category ${\rm CM}(B_{k,n}) $ of Cohen-Macaulay modules over a quotient $B_{k,n}$ of a preprojective algebra provides a categorification of the cluster algebra structure on the coordinate ring of the Grassmannian variety of $k$-dimensional subspaces in $\mathbb C^n$, \cite{JKS16}. Among the indecomposable modules in this category are the rank $1$ modules which are in bijection with $k$-subsets of $\{1,2,\dots,n\}$, and their explicit construction has been given by Jensen, King and Su. These are the building blocks of the category as any module in ${\rm CM}(B_{k,n}) $ can be filtered by them. In this paper we give an explicit construction of rank 2 modules. With this, we give all indecomposable rank 2 modules in the cases when $k=3$ and $k=4$. In particular, we cover the tame cases and go beyond them. We also characterise the modules among them which are uniquely determined by their filtrations. For $k\ge 4$, we exhibit infinite families of non-isomorphic rank 2 modules having the same filtration.

K. Baur, Dusko Bogdanic, A. G. Elsener, Jian-Rong Li

The coordinate ring of the Grassmannian variety of $k$-dimensional subspaces in $\mathbb{C}^n$ has a cluster algebra structure with Plucker relations giving rise to exchange relations. In this paper, we study indecomposable modules of the corresponding Grassmannian cluster categories ${\rm CM}(B_{k,n})$.\ Jensen, King, and Su have associated a Kac-Moody root system $J_{k,n}$ to ${\rm CM}(B_{k,n})$ and shown that in the finite types, rigid indecomposable modules correspond to roots. In general, the link between the category ${\rm CM}(B_{k,n})$ and the root system $J_{k,n}$ remains mysterious and it is an open question whether indecomposables always give roots. In this paper, we provide evidence for this association in the infinite types: we show that every indecomposable rank 2 module corresponds to a root of the associated root system. We also show that indecomposable rank 3 modules in ${\rm CM}(B_{3,n})$ all give rise to roots of $J_{3,n}$. For the rank 3 modules in ${\rm CM}(B_{3,n})$ corresponding to real roots, we show that their underlying profiles are cyclic permutations of a certain canonical one. We also characterize the rank 3 modules in ${\rm CM}(B_{3,n})$ corresponding to imaginary roots. By proving that there are exactly 225 profiles of rigid indecomposable rank 3 modules in ${\rm CM}(B_{3,9})$ we confirm the link between the Grassmannian cluster category and the associated root system in this case. We conjecture that the profile of any rigid indecomposable module in ${\rm CM}(B_{k,n})$ corresponding to a real root is a cyclic permutation of a canonical profile.

In this paper we show that tame blocks of group algebras with quaternion defect groups and two isomorphism classes of simple modules can be non-trivially graded. We prove this by using the transfer of gradings via derived equivalences. The gradings that we transfer are such that the arrows of the quiver are homogeneous elements. We also show that, up to graded Morita equivalence, on such a block there exists a unique grading.

Dusko Bogdanic, M. Janjic, Daniel A. Romano

. We extend our investigation of 2-determinants, which we defined in a previous paper. For a linear homogenous recurrence of the second order, we consider relations between different sequences satisfying the same linear homogeneous recurrence of the second order. After we prove a generalized identity of d’Ocagne, we derive, from a single identity, a number of classical identities (and their generalizations) such as d’Ocagne’s, Cassini’s, Catalan’s

K. Baur, Dusko Bogdanic, Ana GARCIA ELSENER

The category of Cohen–Macaulay modules of an algebra $B_{k,n}$ is used in Jensen et al. (A categorification of Grassmannian cluster algebras, Proc. Lond. Math. Soc. (3) 113(2) (2016), 185–212) to give an additive categorification of the cluster algebra structure on the homogeneous coordinate ring of the Grassmannian of $k$-planes in $n$-space. In this paper, we find canonical Auslander–Reiten sequences and study the Auslander–Reiten translation periodicity for this category. Furthermore, we give an explicit construction of Cohen–Macaulay modules of arbitrary rank. We then use our results to establish a correspondence between rigid indecomposable modules of rank 2 and real roots of degree 2 for the associated Kac–Moody algebra in the tame cases.

In this article, we study the existence of gradings on finite dimensional associative algebras. We prove that a connected algebra A does not have a nontrivial grading if and only if A is basic, its quiver has one vertex, and its group of outer automorphisms is unipotent. We apply this result to prove that up to graded Morita equivalence there do not exist nontrivial gradings on the blocks of group algebras with quaternion defect groups and one isomorphism class of simple modules.

In this paper we show that tame blocks of group algebras with semidihedral defect groups and two isomorphism classes of simple modules can be non-trivially graded. We prove this by using the transfer of gradings via derived equivalences.

In this paper we show how the LLT algorithm for computation of crystal decomposition numbers can be used to construct quivers of defect 2 blocks of symmetric groups. We do this by establishing a connection between tight gradings on blocks of symmetric groups and crystal decomposition numbers.

We investigate gradings on tame blocks of group algebras whose defect groups are dihedral. For this subfamily of tame blocks we classify gradings up to graded Morita equivalence, we transfer gradings via derived equivalences, and we check the existence, positivity and tightness of gradings. We classify gradings by computing the group of outer automorphisms that fix the isomorphism classes of simple modules.

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