
Publikacije (32)

Olivia Serdeczny, M. Andrijevic, C. Fyson, T. Lissner, Inga Menke, C. Schleussner, Emily Theokritoff, Adelle Thomas

Emily Theokritoff, Nicole van Maanen, M. Andrijevic, Adelle Thomas, T. Lissner, C. Schleussner

M. Andrijevic, C. Schleussner, Jesús Crespo Cuaresma, T. Lissner, Raya Muttarak, K. Riahi, Emily Theokritoff, Adelle Thomas et al.

Nicole van Maanen, T. Lissner, M. Harmsen, F. Piontek, M. Andrijevic, D. V. van Vuuren

Elina Brutschin, M. Andrijevic

A large-scale transformation of the energy system, which climate mitigation entails, is a global and highly politicized problem. This thematic issue brings together scholars who work with Integrated Assessment Models (IAMs)—which are used for Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reports and other key analyses of future climate trajectories—and social scientists working on climate and energy issues to highlight how the two strands of research could benefit from combining insights across different disciplines and methods. One of the key messages across almost all contributions is that the more technical perspectives could benefit from adjusting their assumptions to reflect the patterns observed in quantitative and qualitative social science. Combining different disciplines is methodologically challenging but promising to ensure that the mitigation strategies developed are considered technically and politically feasible, as well as just.

Nicole van Maanen, M. Andrijevic, Q. Lejeune, L. Rosa, T. Lissner, C. Schleussner

Sustainable irrigation expansion over water limited croplands is an important measure to enhance agricultural yields and increase the resilience of crop production to global warming. While existing global assessments of irrigation expansion mainly illustrate the biophysical potential for irrigation, socioeconomic factors such as weak governance or low income, that demonstrably impede the successful implementation of sustainable irrigation, remain largely underexplored. Here we provide five scenarios of sustainable irrigation deployment in the 21st century integrated into the framework of Shared Socioeconomic Pathways, which account for biophysical irrigation limits and socioeconomic constraints. We find that the potential for sustainable irrigation expansion implied by biophysical limits alone is considerably reduced when socioeconomic factors are considered. Even under an optimistic scenario of socio-economic development, we find that additional calories produced via sustainable irrigation by 2100 might reach only half of the maximum biophysical potential. Regions with currently modest socioeconomic development such as Sub-Saharan Africa are found to have the highest potential for improvements. In a scenario of sustainable development, Sub-Saharan Africa would be able to almost double irrigated food production and feed an additional 70 million people compared to 2020, whereas in a scenario where regional rivalry prevails, this potential would be halved. Increasing sustainable irrigation will be key for countries to meet the projected food demands, tackle malnutrition and rural poverty in the context of increasing impacts of anthropogenic climate change on food systems. Our results suggest that improving governance levels for example through enhancing the effectiveness of institutions will constitute an important leverage to increase adaptive capacity in the agricultural sector.

By Wim Thiery, Stefan Lange, J. Rogelj, C. Schleussner, L. Gudmundsson, S. Seneviratne, M. Andrijevic, K. Frieler et al.

Description Young generations are severely threatened by climate change Under continued global warming, extreme events such as heat waves will continue to rise in frequency, intensity, duration, and spatial extent over the next decades (1–4). Younger generations are therefore expected to face more such events across their lifetimes compared with older generations. This raises important issues of solidarity and fairness across generations (5, 6) that have fueled a surge of climate protests led by young people in recent years and that underpin issues of intergenerational equity raised in recent climate litigation. However, the standard scientific paradigm is to assess climate change in discrete time windows or at discrete levels of warming (7), a “period” approach that inhibits quantification of how much more extreme events a particular generation will experience over its lifetime compared with another. By developing a “cohort” perspective to quantify changes in lifetime exposure to climate extremes and compare across generations (see the first figure), we estimate that children born in 2020 will experience a two- to sevenfold increase in extreme events, particularly heat waves, compared with people born in 1960, under current climate policy pledges. Our results highlight a severe threat to the safety of young generations and call for drastic emission reductions to safeguard their future.

M. Callaghan, C. Schleussner, S. Nath, Q. Lejeune, T. Knutson, M. Reichstein, G. Hansen, Emily Theokritoff et al.

I. Todd, Lorena Cordero, M. Andrijevic, Rob McMongle, Silke Schmidt

In this session, we will hear speakers from across Europe presenting their research, followed by discussion on investing in resilient and sustainable infrastructure and how decarbonisation fits with post-pandemic fiscal and monetary frameworks.

Nicole van Maanen, M. Andrijevic, L. Rosa, Q. Lejeune, C. Schleussner

Irrigation expansion onto rainfed croplands is an important part of the portfolio of agricultural measures, contributing to a more resilient crop production while enhancing agricultural yields. Existing global assessments of irrigation illustrate the biophysical potential, but generally do not account for socioeconomic and environmental constraints to irrigation deployment. Here we provide scenarios of regionalized sustainable irrigation expansion linked to socioeconomic projections from the Shared Socioeconomic Pathways framework, while accounting for biophysical irrigation limits. Under a Sustainability scenario, we find that sustainable irrigation could feed 2 billion people globally by 2100. With an additional 90 million people, sub-Saharan Africa is the region with the highest percentage increase in people fed via sustainable irrigation deployment. However, even under the most optimistic scenarios only half of the theoretically possible global biophysical irrigation potential would be utilized after accounting for socioeconomic constraints. Our results highlight the need for appropriate representation of socioeconomic factors in scenarios of future irrigation deployment.

C. Schleussner, P. Pfleiderer, M. Andrijevic, M. Vogel, F. Otto, S. Seneviratne

The impacts of climate change are affecting human societies today. In parallel, socio-economic development has increased the capacity of countries around the global to adapt to those impacts although substantial challenges remain. Ongoing climate change will continue to result in a pressure to adapt, while socio-economic development could make it easier to do so. Countries’ effectiveness in fostering climate resilience will depend on the pace of both developments under different socio-economic and emission pathways. Here we assess trajectories of adaptation readiness in comparison with the continued emergence of hot days as a proxy for climate change hazards for different emission and socio-economic pathways over the 21st century. Putting the future evolution of both indices in relation to the observed dynamics over the recent past allows us to provide an assessment of the prospects of future climate resilience building beyond what has been experienced to date. We show that only an inclusive and sustainable stringent mitigation pathway allows for effective climate resilient development over the 21st century. Less inclusive or fossil-fuel driven development will not allow for improvements in resilience building beyond the recent past. Substantial differences emerge already in the 2020s. Our findings underscore the paramount importance of achieving the Paris Agreement goals to enable climate-resilient, sustainable development.

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