With the birth of a child, parents are also born. Parents and children develop, grow, learn and make mistakes together. There is no manual to indicate whether parents are making mistakes in raising another being, nor is there a reward when they do something well. It is a subjective assessment of how good a parent someone is, mistakes in upbringing are often overlooked or it turns out that situations that seemed wrong and unsuccessful resulted in a positive outcome. Questioning the correctness of raising one's own child is a daily routine for parents. However, what happens when hearing parents have a hearing-impaired child? How do they adapt, with the added pressure of how to deal with the new situation and how to raise a child who will understand them and who they will fully understand? Of course, there are differences in raising a deaf child depending on the fact if parents are hearing or deaf, but both are guided by their natural instincts in order to achieve the best possible communication with their own child. According to one definition, communication is the ability to share values, beliefs and feelings. We can communicate verbally and non-verbally. Verbal communication refers to speech, and non-verbal communication refers to visual interaction. The aim of this research was to examine the hearing parents of hearing-impaired children about the challenges they face the most when it comes to communication with their own children and how they solve the issues. The research results showed that hearing parents of deaf children communicate with the child at an early age. However, with all the efforts they make while their child grows up, there is one significant part of the child’s personality that won’t develop properly due to missing verbal communication. For the same reason, there is a distance in mutual communication that cannot be overcome even with the unconditional love they provide. From all of the above, the conclusion emerges that it is necessary to work on the education of hearing parents of deaf children with adequate forms of communication.
U radu su predstavljene vannastavne aktivnosti učenika u svim osnovnim i srednjim školama Kantona Sarajevo. Autori iznose podatke o nazivima aktivnosti, broju učenika koji su uključeni u ovaj vid odgojno-obrazovnog rada s posebnim osvrtom na uključenost učenika s teškoćama u razvoju. Cilj rada je prezentirati ulogu i značaj vannastavnih aktivnosti za učenike kao pozitivan i dobar primjer provođenja slobodnog vremena, koje, pritom, trebaju biti dostupne i prilagođene potrebama i interesovanjima svakog djeteta u našim školama. Institut za razvoj preduniverzitetskog obrazovanja Kantona Sarajevo u tom smislu pravi iskorak. Donošenjem dokumenta Opća metodologija o registraciji vannastavnih i posebnih programa ciljano i sistemski djeluje, prilagođavajući vannastvne aktivnosti podjednako svim učenicima. U zaključnim razmatranjima autori ističu kako vannastavne aktivnosti u školama nisu u dovoljnoj mjeri dostupne učenicima s teškoćama u razvoju. U skladu s time preporučuju i adekvatna rješenja za njihovo uključivanje u sve vannastavne aktivnosti shodno djetetovim mogućnostima.
Generation Z falls into the internet generation because it is the first generation born after the popularisation of the internet. Even though scientists don’t agree on when this generation starts and when it ends, after all, it is believed that the generation Z is made of people that are born in the nineties until today. Their parents belong to the millennial generation that is born in the eighties. Generation Z is the first generation that was raised as a part of the trend of being in the publics' eye, always posting about their lives on social networks. This potentially makes them an egocentric generation and a generation that does not have enough empathy. Although empathy is one of the key characteristics for happiness, generation Z finds happiness in their personal appearance and they care a lot about the opinions of others, that is, they care about the number of likes and the number of followers on social networks. Even though empathy is a key trait of happiness, generation Z finds happiness in physical appearance, and in others' opinion, that is they care about how many likes and how many followers on social networks they have. The purpose of this paper is to examine emotional empathy with the generation that is born in the late nineties, until generations 2006-2007, on a sample of 200 primary and high school students with an assumption that later generations are more empathic and that there is a difference between male and female subjects, that is that females are more empathic. Also, the paper provides case reports that represent the clinical population and not the average representatives of this generation and whose psychological problems may be associated with excessive use of the Internet and social networks. The results of the research indicate that the feeling of insecurity and lack of empathy in this generation is a risk factor for the development of low self-esteem and self-confidence, and ultimately more severe mental disorders, which can be reduced and prevented by a different approach to this generation.
Očuvanje porodice kao osnovne ćelije društva u savremenom načinu života je veliki izazov. Očuvanje i funkcionisanje porodice gdje je jedno dijete s oštećenjem sluha predstavlja ogroman pritisak roditeljima, koji moraju naučiti balansirati između djeteta koje ima teškoću i djeteta koje nema. Uočavanjem i dijagnostikovanjem teškoće kod djeteta roditelji se suočavaju sa potpuno novim načinom života. Odgajanje djeteta s teškoćama u razvoju za njih je put u nepoznato, nije rijetkost da brak zapadne u krizu, svakodnevno su izloženi stresu i brojnim obavezama. Uz nerazumijevanje šire porodice za probleme s kojima se suočavaju i društvene zajednice koja ne pruža adekvatnu podršku, moraju naučiti na koji način će odgajati i jedno i drugo dijete. Koliko će ravnopravno postupati u ophođenju prema njima je od presudnog značaja za razvijanje skladnih bratsko – sestrinskih odnosa. Adekvatnim pristupom i pravilnim odgojem, dijete s teškoćama u razvoju u porodici stvara posebne veze među članovima koji doprinose bržem sazrijevanju, većoj zrelosti, odgovornosti i samostalnosti braće i sestara.
Background: Evaluating academic production and researchers’ impact has become a common practice in many areas of academic life. Researchers are being evaluated for many purposes such as getting employment, promotion, tenure and winning grants. Achieving full objectivity of the evaluation is a rather difficult, if not the impossible task. The goal of the present paper was to evaluate research performance of scholars from Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH and to propose a single number that captures several scientometric indices. Methods: We took data from 303 scholars from 4 public universities in BiH on their number of citations and h-indexes derived from four databases/services: Web of Science, Scopus, Google Scholar and Research Gate. In addition to this, we performed a Principal Component Analysis of number of citations and h-indexes from these indices to come up with a single number that best captures the scientific impact of the researchers. Results: The results of this study indicate a strong relationship between all indices of scholarly achievement as measured through citations and h-indexes. Principal component analysis has shown that it is possible to obtain a single number that captures researchers’ scientific impact. Conclusion: Many metrics can be useful in evaluating researchers’ scientific impact. As the researchers in BiH have a low scientific production, universities in BiH need to adapt a strategy to stimulate the increase in their scientific productivity.
Nowadays, peer violence is a phenomenon we encounter on a daily basis, to which many children are exposed. In order to prevent it in time, it is extremely important to recognize it and observe it from a child's perspective. The aim of this study, which was conducted among primary and secondary school students, with regard to age and gender, type and location of the school, was to investigate how peer violence is viewed by those who are most exposed to it, as well as to examine the occurrence frequency of certain forms of violence. The results confirm that peer violence is a common occurrence in school and that boys are more likely to take part in it, either by experiencing it or by inflicting it. A statistically significant difference can be seen in the respondents' attitudes on the forms of violence, where it is evident that boys are more exposed to physical violence, and that the most common form of peer violence among students is psychological (verbal) violence, i.e. derision, mockery, name calling, insulting, calling out. Although 49.1% of students claim that, with regard to gender, boys are more prone to peer violence, the fact that 34.3% of students claim that both girls and boys are equally prone to violence should not be disregarded. On the path to growing up, peer violence can leave a serious, and in some cases permanent, mark. The obtained results have been interpreted within the context of existing knowledge on peer violence, and the implications for further work have been highlighted.
The Croatian education system encourages the inclusion of students with disabilities into the standard school system. However. The most important role in the success of these students is played by the teachers. Since the term disabilities includes congenital and acquired impairments it is extremely difficult for teachers to successfully conduct the inclusion because they are often not trained enough to work with students with disabilities. Therefore, the main tasks of this research were to determine how often teachers encounter students with disabilities, to evaluate the teachers varying degrees of satisfaction with working conditions and to determine the relevance of the different responses given by teacher based on their gender, school location, work experience, whether they are form or single-subject teachers, professional qualification and the number of students with disabilities in their classes. 109 teachers in four elementary schools in Split-Dalmatia County took part in this research: 45 form teachers and 65 single-subject teachers. The results show that both form teachers and single-subject teachers often encounter students with disabilities in their classrooms. Although all teachers support the inclusion of students with disabilities, form teachers show a greater satisfaction with the available working conditions allocated them when working with students with disabilities. Variables of teachers’ gender, working experience, professional qualifications and the number of students with disabilities in class do not affect the level of satisfaction when working with students with disabilities. This paper can serve as a catalyst for future research as the determining predictor in the succesful implementation of inclusion as a modern teaching practice.
Inclusive education is increasingly becoming a dominating paradigm of the educational system in Bosnia and Herzegovina. However, although supported by positive legislature, there are still numerous obstacles to inclusion. The goal of the present study was to examine the attitudes of regular education teachers towards inclusive education, more specifically towards obstacles to successful inclusion. The sample consisted of 200 elementary school teachers from two cantons in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The greatest obstacle for inclusion as perceived by the teachers was the lack of professionals trained to work with children with special educational needs in regular schools. It is of utmost importance to support regular education teachers in their efforts to support all students in their classes. This calls for a more meaningful and thorough reformation of regular schools. Inkliuzinis ugdymas tampa vis labiau dominuojancia Bosnijos ir Hercegovinos ugdymo sistemos paradigma. Nepaisant to, kad sią paradigmą remia įstatymai, vis dar yra nemažai kliūcių, trukdancių įgyvendinti inkliuzinį ugdymą. Sio tyrimo tikslas – isanalizuoti bendrojo lavinimo mokyklų mokytojų požiūrį į inkliuzinį ugdymą, ypac atkreipiant dėmesį į tai, kas trukdo sėkmingai įgyvendinti sį ugdymo metodą. Tyrimo imtį sudarė 200 bendrojo lavinimo mokyklų mokytojų is dviejų Bosnijos ir Hercegovinos kantonų. Mokytojų nuomone, didžiausia inkliuzinio ugdymo įgyvendinimo kliūtis yra parengtų specialistų, kurie dirbtų su specialiųjų ugdymosi poreikių turinciais vaikais bendrojo lavinimo mokykloje, trūkumas. Labai svarbu teikti paramą tiems bendrojo lavinimo mokyklų mokytojams, kurie per pamokas stengiasi padėti visiems mokiniams. Si situacija suaktualina poreikį įgyvendinti prasmingesne ir nuodugnesne bendrojo lavinimo mokyklų reformą.
Children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) attend regular education schools and special education schools in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Regardless of the setting, it is important to provide early, high quality, programs to children with ASD. High quality educational support must encompass evidence-based programs for these children. The goal of the present study was to assess parents and special education teachers’ (SET) perceptions about the quality of educational supports for students with ASD in Canton Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. The sample for this study comprised 150 parents and 52 SET. We asked parents and SET about their opinions on the quality of educational support for children with ASD. The results of this study showed different perceptions that SET and parents have about the educational supports for children with ASD. High-quality, evidence-based supports and services need to become a common-place for children with autism in various educational settings. Parents need to be trained as co-therapists and work together with SET in improving the educational outcomes of children with ASD.
Quality of life (QOL) is one of the most researched topics in the field of disability in the last 30 years. However, there are few studies that examined the QOL in relation to the type of disability and self-reported health status. The goal of the present study was to examine the QOL in people with disabilities in relation to the type of disability and self-reported health status. The sample for this study consisted of 286 people with disabilities who were interviewed using the Personal Outcomes Scale as a measure of QOL. The results of this study revealed statistically significant differences in the self-reported QOL between people with different types of disabilities. The results also revealed a moderating effect that self-reported health status had on QOL across disability categories. There were no interaction effects of self-reported health status and disability category on the QOL. Generally, people with intellectual disability reported lower QOL than people in other disability categories. Self-reported health status had a significant impact on the QOL across the disability groups. Non-governmental organizations can, through their policies and practices, enhance the person-referenced QOL outcomes.
Abstract Quality of life (QOL) of people with intellectual disability is increasingly becoming the target for intervention and a measure of success of different support programs. Knowing the predictors of QOL might make the support programs more effective. In the present study, QOL of 152 persons with intellectual disability was assessed through the personal outcomes scale (POS)-self report. Total score on the POS was used as a dependent variable and age, sex, level of intellectual disability, employment status and marriage status were assessed as the potential predictors of QOL. The statistically significant predictors of QOL were level of intellectual disability and employment status. These predictors explained 19% of variance in POS scores. The results of this study indicate that the strategies aimed at increasing the QOL of people with disability must focus on finding and expanding the employment opportunities for people with intellectual disability. The role of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) can be very significant in this regard. The article concludes with a discussion of how predictors of QOL outcomes reported by other investigators could be incorporated into the policies and practices of NGOs to enhance person-referenced QOL outcomes.
Aim: The goal of this study was to examine the general satisfaction of mothers of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) with treatment opportunities for their children in Bosnia and Herzegovina. An additional goal was to assess the level of mothers’ satisfaction with their own involvement in the creation and implementation of Individual Education Plans. Methods: The sample consisted of 98 mothers of children with ASD. Mothers answered to questions related to their perceived satisfaction with treatment options. Results: The results of this study indicated that mothers are generally satisfied with educational opportunities for their children (61.2%). However, their satisfaction with involvement in the creation and implementation of Individual Education Programs was much lower (35.7%). Most comments of the mothers were that the treatment options should be more widely available and that the educational programs could be improved. Conclusions: Parents of children with ASD should have more information on the treatment options available for their children. More educational opportunities need to be offered to children with ASD in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Emotion recognition is very important for successful social interactions. This study compared adolescents with intellectual disability and adolescents with hearing impairment on a facial emotion recognition task. The sample for this study comprised 78 adolescents (46.2% females, 53.8% males; M age = 16.4, SD = 1.0) divided into three groups (N = 26) of adolescents with intellectual disability, adolescents with hearing impairment, and adolescents without disabilities. Emotion recognition abilities were measured using a computerized Emotion Recognition Test. Adolescents with intellectual disability achieved lower scores on Emotion Recognition Test in comparison with adolescents with hearing impairment and adolescents without disabilities. There were no significant differences on Emotion Recognition Test between adolescents with hearing impairment and adolescents without disabilities. Given the importance of emotion recognition in everyday functioning, it is of crucial importance to have emotional training programs as part of the school curriculum.
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