The aims of this study were to analyze the utilization of antibiotics before (2018, 2019) and during the COVID-19 pandemic (2020) and the practice of prescribing antibiotics in outpatient settings for COVID-19 patients during the 2020–2022 period. The Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical Classification/Defined Daily Dose methodology was used for the analysis of outpatient antibiotic utilization in the Republic of Srpska. The data was expressed in DDD/1000 inhabitants/day. The rate of antibiotics prescribed to COVID-19 outpatients was analyzed using medical record data from 16,565 patients registered with B34.2, U07.1, and U07.2 World Health Organization International Classification of Diseases 10th revision codes. During 2020, outpatient antibiotic utilization increased by 53.80% compared to 2019. At least one antibiotic was prescribed for 91.04%, 83.05%, and 73.52% of COVID-19 outpatients during 2020, 2021, and the first half of 2022, respectively. On a monthly basis, at least one antibiotic was prescribed for more than 55% of COVID-19 outpatients. The three most commonly prescribed antibiotics were azithromycin, amoxicillin/clavulanic acid, and doxycycline. The trend of repurposing antibiotics for COVID-19 and other diseases treatment might be a double-edged sword. The long-term effect of this practice might be an increase in antimicrobial resistance and a loss of antibiotic effectiveness.
The karst ponds on the island of Krk (situated in the Kvarner Bay of the North Adriatic Sea, Croatia) are important freshwater and brackish habitats at a local and regional level. The origin of the ponds is mostly anthropogenic, used for livestock and agriculture throughout history. In the environment of the island where water bodies are scarce, karst ponds are important habitats for survival of amphibians. The smooth newt (Lissotriton vulgaris) is the only newt species that inhabits the island of Krk. Although listed as of Least Concern at the global and European scale, the Krk population of smooth newts faces severe threats, dry up of ponds and introduction of invasive fish species. The biggest threat is the mosquitofish (Gambusia holbrooki) which predates on smooth newt eggs and larvae. The objective of the present study was to emphasise the importance of these unique water bodies as breeding habitats for the survival of the smooth newt population. In the period between May and June 2017, 5 ponds were surveyed in order to determine habitat features important for amphibians and to confirm the occurence of the smooth newt. Geographic positions of the investigated ponds in the surveyed area are: Skala – N45° 01.012' E14° 40.436', Kaljužina – N45° 00.722' E14° 40.521', Nova lokva – N45° 00.457' E14° 40.990', Kimpi – N45° 02.107' E14° 33.513' and Misucajnica – N45° 03.288' E14° 39.017'. Data collected during the fieldwork that will be used for successive analysis were: pond area, depth, vegetation, presence of fish and other pond fauna. Ponds were also characterized in terms of physico-chemical characteristics. The presence and abundance of the smooth newt were established by sampling according to standard methods for amphibians. We used water net as sampling technique. During the study period 15 newts were recorded in the Skala pond, 8 in Kaljužina pond and 10 in Nova lokva pond. During the inventory it was observed that smooth newt only inhabit ponds in which there are no mosquitofish. In 2 ponds, Kimpi and Misucajnica, the mosquitofish were abundant and the presence of newts was not recorded. Further going on is monitoring of additional demographic parameters and monitoring of the occurence and effect of alien species. The study contributes to defining the threats and conservation status of the Krk population of smooth newts.
Sažetak The native range of the raccoon dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides) extends across eastern Siberia, Mongolia, Vietnam, China and Korea. In Europe, the raccoon dog was introduced to the former USSR during the period 1934-1953 for fur, from where it spread to the west. It is recorded in over 25 European countries and it was listed amongst the 100 most invasive species due to predation on birds and amphibians, competition with native species and primarily as vector of zoonoses. In Croatia, specimens were recorded in the beginning of the 1980s in the eastern part of the country. Afterwards, no presence in Croatia was recorded, although species’ features include adaptability, hibernation, high reproductive and migratory potential, as well as efficient gene flow between populations. In surrounding countries, racoon dog is present in Hungary and Serbia. In Slovenia, it was recorded in 1980 with some recent individual findings. In Mrzle drage (HTRS96 E369639, N5022343) near Mrkopalj, raccoon dog was recorded by phototrap, which is the first record in the upland part of Croatia and in this part of the Dinarides. Other signs of presence were not recorded, therefore we assume that it was a migrating individual. There are few possible scenarios regarding the origin of this individual: escape from breeding farms, illegal introduction and spread by migration, which would be a confirmation of predictions that raccoon dog will spread southward. For successful control and eradication, coordination of responsible authorities of surrounding countries is necessary. We recommend monitoring of this species presence in Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, but also in NE Italy and urgent actions in case of population establishment.
The family of hares ( The family of hares (Leporidae Leporidae) expresses signifi cant variation of morphological features under the ) expresses signifi cant variation of morphological features under the infl uence of environment and diet. The aim of this research was the craniometric analysis of hares from two infl uence of environment and diet. The aim of this research was the craniometric analysis of hares from two different habitat types, in order to confi rm the presence of different ecotypes of this species in Croatia. The different habitat types, in order to confi rm the presence of different ecotypes of this species in Croatia. The hares were sampled in the area of the island of Vir (Mediterranean habitat) and north-west Croatia (continental hares were sampled in the area of the island of Vir (Mediterranean habitat) and north-west Croatia (continental habitat). Craniometric measurements were conducted on 27 adult skulls, 12 female and 15 male skulls. 12 skulls habitat). Craniometric measurements were conducted on 27 adult skulls, 12 female and 15 male skulls. 12 skulls originated from the island of Vir and 15 skulls were from north-west Croatia. 25 skull measurements were made, originated from the island of Vir and 15 skulls were from north-west Croatia. 25 skull measurements were made, of which 6 were on the mandible for each skull. The results of the research showed signifi cant variations in skull of which 6 were on the mandible for each skull. The results of the research showed signifi cant variations in skull measurements between hares sampled on the island of Vir and in continental north-west Croatia. Of 19 cranium measurements between hares sampled on the island of Vir and in continental north-west Croatia. Of 19 cranium measurements, 10 measurements indicated statistical differences at P<0.01, 3 measurements indicated statistical measurements, 10 measurements indicated statistical differences at P<0.01, 3 measurements indicated statistical differences at P<0.05, and of the 6 analysed mandible measurements, 5 indicated statistical differences at differences at P<0.05, and of the 6 analysed mandible measurements, 5 indicated statistical differences at P<0.01. Cranium measurements that varied signifi cantly were greater for hares from north-west Croatia by 5.11 P<0.01. Cranium measurements that varied signifi cantly were greater for hares from north-west Croatia by 5.11 to 12.84%, and mandible measurements also tended to be greater by 7.18 to 16.70%. Variations in craniometric to 12.84%, and mandible measurements also tended to be greater by 7.18 to 16.70%. Variations in craniometric measurements according to sex were not signifi cant for both sites. The results indicate the presence of different measurements according to sex were not signifi cant for both sites. The results indicate the presence of different ecotypes of European hare in Mediterranean and continental habitats. ecotypes of European hare in Mediterranean and continental habitats.
Anionski surfaktanti povrsinski su aktivne tvari koje se upotrebljavaju u ogromnim kolicinama, kako u domacinstvima tako i u najrazlicitijim granama industrije. Iako su zakonski propisi kojima se propisuje njihovo postojanje u okolisu strogo definirani, kao zagađivaci u okolis mogu dospjeti neadekvatnom obradom industrijskih i komunalnih voda, deponiranjem otpadnog aktivnog mulja i sl. Sva tipicna svojstva povrsinski aktivnih molekula povezana su sa njihovom kemijskom strukturom, odnosno prisustvom liofilne i liofobne skupine iz kojih rezultiraju dva osnovna fenomena ovih molekula: adsorpcija i agregacija. Iako bioloska razgradnja anionskih sufraktanata nije potpuno razjasnjena poznato je da se mogu akumulirati u vodenim organizmima i utjecati na stanicne membrane, proteine i enzime. Linearni alkilbenzen sulfonati (LAS) jedan je od najzastupljenijih anionskih surfaktanta.
In the present study, the potential of aquatic plant Scirpus lacustris L. for degradation of linear alkylbenzene sulfonate (LAS) has been investigated. The study was carried out at laboratory-scale constructed wetland. Plants of the studied species were collected from local pond in an urban landscape. Scirpus lacustris was planted onto the sand (d=1-2 mm) and after acclimated period the wetland system was exposed to 5 mg/L concentration of LAS. The experiments were performed in the absence of nutrients. The amount of LAS which was removed by Scirpus lacustris L. after 7 days was 95, 22%. LAS adsorption process onto sand surface was taken into consideration. The COD measurement results indicate very low concentration of organic matter in water samples (up to 20 mg/L). At the end of experiment there was no change in the chlorophyll content in analysed tissue of treated plants compared to the control plant. The results showed that under these experimental conditions there was no effect of LAS on plants morphology. Data obtained from this preliminary study demonstrated the phytoremediation potential of Scirpus lacustris L. for tackling the problem of environmental contamination by surfacants successfully. However, more intensive future research is required to explore various aspects of this approach
Cilj provedenog istraživanja bio je pomoću radiotelemetrije utvrditi veličine područja aktivnosti zeca običnog (Lepus europeus) u suburbanim područjima. Istraživanje je provedeno tijekom 2009. i 2010. godine u bližoj okolici grada Zagreba. Zečevi su uhvaćeni pomoću mreža na istraživačkoj plohi veličine cca 50 ha, omeđenoj sa svih strana naseljima i prometnicama. Nakon hvatanja, jedinke su obilježene VHF ogrlicama te su praćene i locirane pomoću prijemnika i antene. Nakon obilježavanja, zečevi su ponovno ispušteni na istu plohu. Lociranje zečeva izvršeno je metodom triangulacije, nakon čega su utvrđene pozicije obrađene u programu Locate III i Quantum GIS 1.5.0. Ukupno su obilježena 4 zeca: 2 mužjaka i 2 ženke. Uslijed ugibanja jedne jedinke te prestanka rada jednog odašiljača, analiza i procjena veličine područja aktivnosti provedena je samo za dvije jedinke. Adultna ženka praćena je 11,5 mjeseci pri čemu je utvrđena veličina područja aktivnosti te jedinke iznosila 11.,67 ha. Juvenilni mužjak praćen je 10 mjeseci, a utvrđena veličina područja aktivnosti iznosila je 7,5 ha. Preklapanje područja aktivnosti praćenih jedinki iznosilo je 2,43 ha. Zečevi koji su praćeni nisu napuštali istraživanu plohu, niti su iskorištavali njezinu cijelu površinu kao područje aktivnosti. Utvrđeno preklapanje područja aktivnosti je uobičajeno, kao i manje područje kretanja juvenilnih jedinki.
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