The aim of this paper is to present the Information System on Research Activity in Bosnia and Herzegovina - E-CRIS.BH, and the total number of registered researchers, research organizations, departments and projects, but also the number of bibliographic records to which the typology of documents/works has been assigned within the mutual COBISS.BH database. E-CRIS.BH is an information system that represents an electronic database of researchers, research organizations, research departments and research projects. It is an information system on research activities in Bosnia and Herzegovina, which originated from the Register of Scientific Institutions, Scientific Staff, Scientific and Research Projects and Infrastructure Investments in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Register of Scientific Institutions, Scientific Staff, Scientific and Research Projects and Infrastructure Investments in Canton of Sarajevo. The Register of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina is conceived as an umbrella system and the registers of the canton as its subsystems. The project was implemented by the Academy of Sciences and Arts of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The connection of E-CRIS.BH with the bibliographic database of COBISS.BH provides insight into the bibliographies of researchers, which are an integral part of every scientific work, a condition for synthesizing knowledge and data that lead to the required scientific results. The COBISS users have the opportunity to record researchers, research organizations, departments and projects necessary for the creation of a bibliography of researchers and organizations within their national library information systems in the COBISS.Net network (regional network). The results show that 2.230 researchers and 86 organizations have been registered so far in E-CRIS.BH. A total of 73.657 bibliographic records have been created so far within the COBISS.BH common database, which a typology of documents/works has been assigned to. In the first group – articles and other components – a typology was determined for 21.122 bibliographic records. In the second group – monographs and other completed works - a typology was determined for 52.372 bibliographic records. In the third group – performed works - (events) – a typology was determined for 163 bibliographic records.
Objedinjavanje građe u fondovima NUBBiH o kulturnohistorijskoj zaostavštini Silvija Strahimira Kranjčevića rezultat je realizacije projekta Nacionalne i univerzitetske biblioteke Bosne i Hercegovine (NUBBiH), finansiran od strane Ministarstva za obrazovanje, nauku i mlade Kantona Sarajevo. Predmet istraživanja bila je građa iz fondova Specijalnih zbirki, Stare periodike i novije literature, monografije i članci, koji se čuvaju u Redovnom fondu NUBBiH. Konačni rezultat istraživanja je bibliografija koja sadrži 394 jedinice. Po završetku projekta izdvojena je i skenirana sva popisana građa o Silviju Strahimiru Kranjčeviću i dostupna je u digitalnoj formi na odjeljenjima u kojima se nalazi.
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