
Publikacije (11)

Talfan Evans, Nikhil Parthasarathy, Hamza Merzic, Olivier J. Hénaff

Data curation is an essential component of large-scale pretraining. In this work, we demonstrate that jointly selecting batches of data is more effective for learning than selecting examples independently. Multimodal contrastive objectives expose the dependencies between data and thus naturally yield criteria for measuring the joint learnability of a batch. We derive a simple and tractable algorithm for selecting such batches, which significantly accelerate training beyond individually-prioritized data points. As performance improves by selecting from larger super-batches, we also leverage recent advances in model approximation to reduce the associated computational overhead. As a result, our approach--multimodal contrastive learning with joint example selection (JEST)--surpasses state-of-the-art models with up to 13$\times$ fewer iterations and 10$\times$ less computation. Essential to the performance of JEST is the ability to steer the data selection process towards the distribution of smaller, well-curated datasets via pretrained reference models, exposing the level of data curation as a new dimension for neural scaling laws.

Sima Team, Maria Abi Raad, Arun Ahuja, Catarina Barros, F. Besse, Andrew Bolt, Adrian Bolton, Bethanie Brownfield et al.

Building embodied AI systems that can follow arbitrary language instructions in any 3D environment is a key challenge for creating general AI. Accomplishing this goal requires learning to ground language in perception and embodied actions, in order to accomplish complex tasks. The Scalable, Instructable, Multiworld Agent (SIMA) project tackles this by training agents to follow free-form instructions across a diverse range of virtual 3D environments, including curated research environments as well as open-ended, commercial video games. Our goal is to develop an instructable agent that can accomplish anything a human can do in any simulated 3D environment. Our approach focuses on language-driven generality while imposing minimal assumptions. Our agents interact with environments in real-time using a generic, human-like interface: the inputs are image observations and language instructions and the outputs are keyboard-and-mouse actions. This general approach is challenging, but it allows agents to ground language across many visually complex and semantically rich environments while also allowing us to readily run agents in new environments. In this paper we describe our motivation and goal, the initial progress we have made, and promising preliminary results on several diverse research environments and a variety of commercial video games.

Talfan Evans, Shreya Pathak, Hamza Merzic, Jonathan Schwarz, Ryutaro Tanno, Olivier J. Hénaff

Power-law scaling indicates that large-scale training with uniform sampling is prohibitively slow. Active learning methods aim to increase data efficiency by prioritizing learning on the most relevant examples. Despite their appeal, these methods have yet to be widely adopted since no one algorithm has been shown to a) generalize across models and tasks b) scale to large datasets and c) yield overall FLOP savings when accounting for the overhead of data selection. In this work we propose a method which satisfies these three properties, leveraging small, cheap proxy models to estimate"learnability"scores for datapoints, which are used to prioritize data for the training of much larger models. As a result, our models require 46% and 51% fewer training updates and up to 25% less total computation to reach the same performance as uniformly trained visual classifiers on JFT and multimodal models on ALIGN. Finally, we find our data-prioritization scheme to be complementary with recent data-curation and learning objectives, yielding a new state-of-the-art in several multimodal transfer tasks.

DeepMind Interactive Agents Team Josh Abramson, Arun Ahuja, Arthur Brussee, Federico Carnevale, Mary Cassin, Felix Fischer, Petko Georgiev, Alex Goldin et al.

A common vision from science fiction is that robots will one day inhabit our physical spaces, sense the world as we do, assist our physical labours, and communicate with us through natural language. Here we study how to design artificial agents that can interact naturally with humans using the simplification of a virtual environment. We show that imitation learning of human-human interactions in a simulated world, in conjunction with self-supervised learning, is sufficient to produce a multimodal interactive agent, which we call MIA, that successfully interacts with non-adversarial humans 75% of the time. We further identify architectural and algorithmic techniques that improve performance, such as hierarchical action selection. Altogether, our results demonstrate that imitation of multi-modal, real-time human behaviour may provide a straightforward and surprisingly effective means of imbuing agents with a rich behavioural prior from which agents might then be fine-tuned for specific purposes, thus laying a foundation for training capable agents for interactive robots or digital assistants. A video of MIA's behaviour may be found at https://youtu.be/ZFgRhviF7mY

Felix Hill, O. Tieleman, Tamara von Glehn, Nathaniel Wong, Hamza Merzic, S. Clark

Recent work has shown that large text-based neural language models, trained with conventional supervised learning objectives, acquire a surprising propensity for few- and one-shot learning. Here, we show that an embodied agent situated in a simulated 3D world, and endowed with a novel dual-coding external memory, can exhibit similar one-shot word learning when trained with conventional reinforcement learning algorithms. After a single introduction to a novel object via continuous visual perception and a language prompt ("This is a dax"), the agent can re-identify the object and manipulate it as instructed ("Put the dax on the bed"). In doing so, it seamlessly integrates short-term, within-episode knowledge of the appropriate referent for the word "dax" with long-term lexical and motor knowledge acquired across episodes (i.e. "bed" and "putting"). We find that, under certain training conditions and with a particular memory writing mechanism, the agent's one-shot word-object binding generalizes to novel exemplars within the same ShapeNet category, and is effective in settings with unfamiliar numbers of objects. We further show how dual-coding memory can be exploited as a signal for intrinsic motivation, stimulating the agent to seek names for objects that may be useful for later executing instructions. Together, the results demonstrate that deep neural networks can exploit meta-learning, episodic memory and an explicitly multi-modal environment to account for 'fast-mapping', a fundamental pillar of human cognitive development and a potentially transformative capacity for agents that interact with human users.

Abhishek Das, Federico Carnevale, Hamza Merzic, Laura Rimell, R. Schneider, Alden Hung, Josh Abramson, Arun Ahuja et al.

Recent work has shown how predictive modeling can endow agents with rich knowledge of their surroundings, improving their ability to act in complex environments. We propose question-answering as a general paradigm to decode and understand the representations that such agents develop, applying our method to two recent approaches to predictive modeling -action-conditional CPC (Guo et al., 2018) and SimCore (Gregor et al., 2019). After training agents with these predictive objectives in a visually-rich, 3D environment with an assortment of objects, colors, shapes, and spatial configurations, we probe their internal state representations with synthetic (English) questions, without backpropagating gradients from the question-answering decoder into the agent. The performance of different agents when probed this way reveals that they learn to encode factual, and seemingly compositional, information about objects, properties and spatial relations from their physical environment. Our approach is intuitive, i.e. humans can easily interpret responses of the model as opposed to inspecting continuous vectors, and model-agnostic, i.e. applicable to any modeling approach. By revealing the implicit knowledge of objects, quantities, properties and relations acquired by agents as they learn, question-conditional agent probing can stimulate the design and development of stronger predictive learning objectives.

Danilo Jimenez Rezende, Ivo Danihelka, G. Papamakarios, Nan Rosemary Ke, Ray Jiang, T. Weber, Karol Gregor, Hamza Merzic et al.

In reinforcement learning, we can learn a model of future observations and rewards, and use it to plan the agent's next actions. However, jointly modeling future observations can be computationally expensive or even intractable if the observations are high-dimensional (e.g. images). For this reason, previous works have considered partial models, which model only part of the observation. In this paper, we show that partial models can be causally incorrect: they are confounded by the observations they don't model, and can therefore lead to incorrect planning. To address this, we introduce a general family of partial models that are provably causally correct, yet remain fast because they do not need to fully model future observations.

Karol Gregor, Danilo Jimenez Rezende, F. Besse, Yan Wu, Hamza Merzic, Aäron van den Oord

When agents interact with a complex environment, they must form and maintain beliefs about the relevant aspects of that environment. We propose a way to efficiently train expressive generative models in complex environments. We show that a predictive algorithm with an expressive generative model can form stable belief-states in visually rich and dynamic 3D environments. More precisely, we show that the learned representation captures the layout of the environment as well as the position and orientation of the agent. Our experiments show that the model substantially improves data-efficiency on a number of reinforcement learning (RL) tasks compared with strong model-free baseline agents. We find that predicting multiple steps into the future (overshooting), in combination with an expressive generative model, is critical for stable representations to emerge. In practice, using expressive generative models in RL is computationally expensive and we propose a scheme to reduce this computational burden, allowing us to build agents that are competitive with model-free baselines.

Hamza Merzic, Miroslav Bogdanovic, Daniel Kappler, L. Righetti, J. Bohg

Grasping objects under uncertainty remains an open problem in robotics research. This uncertainty is often due to noisy or partial observations of the object pose or shape. To enable a robot to react appropriately to unforeseen effects, it is crucial that it continuously takes sensor feedback into account. While visual feedback is important for inferring a grasp pose and reaching for an object, contact feedback offers valuable information during manipulation and grasp acquisition. In this paper, we use model-free deep reinforcement learning to synthesize control policies that exploit contact sensing to generate robust grasping under uncertainty. We demonstrate our approach on a multi-fingered hand that exhibits more complex finger coordination than the commonly used two-fingered grippers. We conduct extensive experiments in order to assess the performance of the learned policies, with and without contact sensing. While it is possible to learn grasping policies without contact sensing, our results suggest that contact feedback allows for a significant improvement of grasping robustness under object pose uncertainty and for objects with a complex shape.

Hamza Merzic, E. Stumm, Marcin Dymczyk, R. Siegwart, Igor Gilitschenski

A variety of end-user devices involving keypoint-based mapping systems are about to hit the market e.g. as part of smartphones, cars, robotic platforms, or virtual and augmented reality applications. Thus, the generated map data requires automated evaluation procedures that do not require experienced personnel or ground truth knowledge of the underlying environment. A particularly important question enabling commercial applications is whether a given map is of sufficient quality for localization. This paper proposes a framework for predicting localization performance in the context of visual landmark-based mapping. Specifically, we propose an algorithm for predicting performance of vision-based localization systems from different poses within the map. To achieve this, a metric is defined that assigns a score to a given query pose based on the underlying map structure. The algorithm is evaluated on two challenging datasets involving indoor data generated using a handheld device and outdoor data from an autonomous fixed-wing unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). Using these, we are able to show that the score provided by our method is highly correlated to the true localization performance. Furthermore, we demonstrate how the predicted map quality can be used within a belief based path planning framework in order to provide reliable trajectories through high-quality areas of the map.

Hamza Merzic, E. Stumm, Marcin Dymczyk, R. Siegwart, Igor Gilitschenski

A variety of end-user devices involving keypointbased mapping systems are about to hit the market e.g. as part of smartphones, cars, robotic platforms, or virtual and augmented reality applications. Thus, the generated map data requires automated evaluation procedures that do not require experienced personnel or ground truth knowledge of the underlying environment. A particularly important question enabling commercial applications is whether a given map is of sufficient quality for localization. This paper proposes a framework for predicting localization performance in the context of visual landmark-based mapping. Specifically, we propose an algorithm for predicting performance of vision-based localization systems from different poses within the map. To achieve this, a metric is defined that assigns a score to a given query pose based on the underlying map structure. The algorithm is evaluated on two challenging datasets involving indoor data generated using a handheld device and outdoor data from an autonomous fixedwing unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). Using these, we are able to show that the score provided by our method is highly correlated to the true localization performance. Furthermore, we demonstrate how the predicted map quality can be used within a belief based path planning framework in order to provide reliable trajectories through high-quality areas of the

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