
Publikacije (4)

Elvira Čekić, Dzenana Husremovic, D. Malec, A. Smajić

The aim of the research is to examine the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the occurrence and magnitude of mental health consequences among students at the University of Sarajevo, which manifest themselves in certain types and levels of psychological distress, as well as to examine various aspects of general mental functioning that are particularly important in an online learning and teaching environment. The research was conducted in July 2021 on a sample of 3439 students at the University of Sarajevo. The following measurement instruments were used: The Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS-21), a Stress Coping Strategies Inventory and a Sociodemographic Variables Questionnaire. The results have shown that depression, anxiety and stress were present among students at levels which require additional interventions. Symptoms are significantly more present among female students than among male students. The differences tested between students of distinct faculties indicate that arts students have the highest values of depression, followed by students studying humanities, while social sciences students show the lowest values. The results showed that positive coping with stress is a protective factor for the symptoms of anxiety, depression and stress, while negative coping style is a risk factor for students' mental health. The obtained results suggest that the pandemic has a significant psychological impact on students that require interventions in improving their mental health.

Psychological pain is a social issue which is highly present in societies, and can accordingly have a significant negative effect on all aspects of a person's existence with particularly harmful consequences on chronic pain, thus increasing the possibility of developing comorbid psychiatric disorders. Clinicians often tend to label the appearance of psychological symptoms as a "normal" or usual response to physical ailments. Psychological pain or suffering is not only manifested on a psychological level, nonetheless, it is usually in a certain way immanent in the body itself. As regards the physical pain, there is an evident connection between awareness of the physical spot of pain in the body and the psychological experience of pain, which is not the case when it comes to emotional pain. The aim of this paper is to systematize and classify scientific findings and knowledge about psychological pain. The paper is based on the results of contemporary research in the field of psychology and other related sciences and scientific disciplines related to social and scientific issues. Psychological assessment of pain is of great importance due to the consequences it entails – including primarily the impaired physical and psychological integrity of a person, since the mind, reason, and emotions are mainly conditioned by the normal existence of the body. Psychological assessment of pain can have significant results in applied scientific research and modern social practice.

Inspiracija za rad i problem (i) koji se radom oslovljava (ju): Online okruženje je znacajan cinilac svakodnevnog ponasanja i aktivnosti pojedinaca i organizacija u savremenom ljudskom drustvu. Pojava naglasenog posredovanja u komunikaciji povecava rizike i razvija negativna iskustva sa kojima se susrecu korisnici, posebno mladi. U tom smislu online okruženje znacajno doprinosi pojavi kriminalnog i nasilnog ponasanja (npr. uznemiravanje, seksualno iskoristavanje, prevare, hakovanje). Stoga je veoma bitna uloga psihologije u unapređenju cyber sigurnosti. Ciljevi rada (naucni i /ili drustveni): Naucni cilj ovog istraživanja je da ostvari saznanje o uzrocno-posljedicnom odnosu pojava online komunikacije i devijantnih, ukljucujuci i kriminalne oblike ponasanja. Drustveni cilj je da istraživanja svojim rezultatima doprinesu razumijevanju ljudskog ponasanja u virtualnom prostoru, pri cemu psihologija istražuje i proucava promjene u ponasanju na individualnom i kolektivnom nivou. Metodologija/Dizajn: U istraživanju metodoloski pristup je zasnovan na shvatanjima savremene socijalne psihologije. Ogranicenja istraživanja/rada: Imajuci u vidu da informaticki strucnjaci i psiholozi sve vise zajedno djeluju u oblasti interakcije pojedinca sa racunarom, cyber psihologija znacajnije je polje istraživanja. Ipak, zagovornici i strucnjaci u oblasti cyber psihologije i dalje se suocavaju sa problemima multidisciplinarnosti i transdisciplinarnosti (npr. Kibernetika-racunari). Naucnici iz razlicitih disciplina gledaju na iste pojave sa razlicitih perspektiva, te se ponekad njihovo shvatanje i jezik razlikuje toliko da je tesko postici optimalnu i prihvatljivu saglasnost. Rezultati/Nalazi: Na osnovu dosadasnjih rezultata istraživanja i proucavanja naucno-saznajnog fonda, evidentan je zabrinjavajuci porast cyber kriminala u svijetu, sto potvrđuje i cinjenica da je nesto manje od oko 2/3 populacije postalo žrtva nekog od oblika cyber kriminala. Generalni zakljucak: Razumijevanjem uticaja savremenih tehnologija na ljudsko ponasanje u virtualnom prostoru psihologija je utvrdila znacajne promjene u ponasanju na individualnom i kolektivnom nivou. Opravdanost istraživanja/rada: Uloga Cyber psihologije je znacajno polje istraživanja, koje se bavi psiholoskim uticajima i implikacijama kompjuterskih i online tehnologija na pojavu raznih i raznovrsnih oblika devijantnog ponasanja. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- THE ROLE OF PSYCHOLOGY IN ENHANCING CYBERSECURITY Inspiration behind the paper and the issue (s) it addresses: The online environment is a significant factor which takes part in the daily behavior and activities of individuals and organizations in the modern human society. The emergence of online communication increases risks and develops experiences of negative encounters among users, especially young people. In this regard, the online environment significantly contributes to a serious emergence of criminal and violent behavior (eg harassment, sexual exploitation, fraud, hacking). Therefore, the role of psycho-logy in enhancing cybersecurity is very important. Research objectives (scientific and/or social): The scientific aim of this research is to examine the causal link between online communication and deviant, including criminal forms of behavior. The social aim of the results of this research is to contribute to the understanding of human behavior in a virtual space, whereby psychology explores and studies the changes in behavior at the individual and collective levels. Methodology/Design: The methodological approach in this research is based on perceptions of contemporary social psychology. Limitations of the research/paper: Given the fact that information technology experts and psychologists increased their mutual cooperation in the field of interaction of individuals with computers, however, cyberpsychology is a more significant field of research. Nevertheless, advocates and experts in cyberpsychology continue to face issues regarding multidisciplinarity and transdisciplinarity (eg. cybernetics-computers). Scientists from different disciplines look at the same phenomena from different perspectives, and sometimes their under-standing and language differs in a way that it is difficult to achieve an optimal and acceptable consent. Results/Findings: On the basis of results from previous research and of studying scientific and cognitive information, there is an alarming rise in cybercrime in the world, as confirmed by the fact that something under 2/3 of the population has become the victim of some type of cybercrime. General conclusion: Through understanding the influence of modern technologies on human behavior in the virtual space, psychology identified significant changes in behavior at individual and collective levels. Justification of the research/paper: The role of cyberpsychology is a significant field of research addressing the psychological impacts and implications of computer and online technologies on the emergence of various and diverse forms of deviant behavior.

: Personality is a set of psychological traits and mechanisms of each individual that are organized and relatively permanent which influence the interactions and adaptations of the individual to the intrapsychic, physical and social environment. Each individual has a unique personality. Regardless of personal experiences, biological (genetic) heritage, each person acts differently, behaves differently and possesses a different set of values and attitudes, social, cultural, religious and personal beliefs. The personality of violent individuals, including perpetrators of sexual violence, is fundamentally different from the modal personality type of society in general. It is the result of a combination of different factors, including biological heritage, culture, environment, as well as shared and unique experiences. Because of this unique combination, a violent offender will commit crimes that result from his or her existing pathological conditions. The aim of the research is to systematize the current knowledge and understanding about the psychological profile of the perpetrators of sexual violence, the characteristics of sexual offenders, the lack of empathy, the relationship between emotional attachment and the committing sexual assault (attachment patterns), psychological problems, personality disorders and typology of offenders. The research is based on modern scientific-theoretical knowledge in psychology and other related sciences-scientific disciplines and modern methodological and subject scientific researches on the subject. Research to date confirms the understanding that sexual delinquency is more related to personality factors than to acute mental illness or organic brain disease. The link between rape and a variety of psychological and personal problems has been confirmed in many studies, particularly with regard to men who abuse children. Many studies show that men who sexually abuse children are socially and emotionally immature, have poor social skills, low self-esteem, difficulties in intimate relationships, poor control of impulses, and more signs of psychotic thinking. Personality disorders of child sexual offenders show significantly greater personality disorders of cluster A and cluster B, as well as antisocial personality disorders. Attachment patterns established at an early age in the child-primary caregiver (mother) relationship affect emotional regulation, social relationships, and social competence. Studies have shown that quality of attachment is associated with achievement levels and behavioral problems during childhood and adolescence, as well as in adulthood, and that low, insecure, disorganized attachment is associated with a higher likelihood of delinquent / violent behavior. A deeper understanding of the characteristics most commonly associated with perpetrators of sexual assault is important for a more complete understanding of the etiology of sexual assault and for identifying possible intervention and prevention methods.

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