In the scope of the genetic, morphological and phenological research of the genus Tilia in Bosnia and Herzegovina, with control populations in Germany, multibracteate silver-leaved linden (T. tomentosa Moench.) was discovered in Mostar. In addition to the usual primary bract, there are also bracts of the second and the third order, which as phenomenon is, to our knowledge, new for the science. Since the bracts vary in size, as well as in shape, and additional bracts do not appear on all the sampled trees, the task in the future is to further investigate this phenomenon.
Srebrnolisna lipa (Tilia tomentosa Moench) smatra se važnom vrstom drveća u borbi protiv klimatskih promjena, a također je vrlo cijenjena u hortikulturi. Cilj istraživanja je utvrditi postojanje interpopulacijske i intrapopulacijske varijabilnosti svojstava ove vrste u Bosni i Hercegovini i Srbiji. Mjerena su morfološka svojstva listova srebrnolisne lipe iz doline rijeke Sane (dva lokaliteta), kanjona rijeke Neretve (dva lokaliteta), te Nacionalnog parka „Fruška gora” (dva lokaliteta), sa trideset stabala po lokalitetu i 30 listova po stablu. Prosječna vrijednost duljine peteljke za sve populacije iznosi 40,3 mm, duljine plojke 111,0 mm, širine plojke 90,7 mm, udaljenosti prve desne razvijene žile od baze lista 0,3 mm, kut prve desne razvijene žile sa središnjom žilom 47,7°, duljina središnje žile 90,4 mm, odnos duljiina/širina plojke 1,3, odnos širina/duljiina plojke 0,8, ukupna duljina središnje žile sa petiolom 130,7 mm, duljina središnje žile/duljina peteljke 2,5, duljina peteljke/ukupna duljina središnje žile i peteljke 0,3. Najveći broj jedinki imao je dva primarna zupca po 1 cm duljine ruba lista. Analiza varijance za svojstva lista pokazala je da postoje statistički značajne razlike za sva svojstva lista po populacijama, dok je Dankanov test pokazao razdvajanje svih populacija u odvojene skupine za većinu svojstava. S obzirom na značaj srebrnolisne lipe kao vrste prilagodljive na klimatske promjene, kao i medonosne i vrste cijenjene u hortikulturi, potrebno je proširiti istraživanja na veći broj populacija, te provesti istraživanja na molekularnoj razini.
Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) is one of the most important tree species in European forests. This study aims to determine whether there is inter-provenance variability in researched morphological traits in two international provenance tests of Scots pine in Bosnia and Herzegovina. We measured height, root collar diameter, and latest shoot length and counted branches on the latest branch whorl of Scots pine plants in two provenance tests. The provenance tests are located in Kupres and Žepce, in different climatic, edaphic, and orographic conditions. Kupres and Žepce contain 15 and 14 provenances, respectively, eleven of which are mutual to both sites. Descriptive statistics and analysis of variance showed differences among provenances in all investigated morphological traits. These differences were attributable to provenance test, provenance, and interaction between provenance test and provenance. The average values were higher in Žepce for all provenances and all studied traits. The Austria A1, Austria A2, Austria A3, and Poland P1 provenances showed the best growth in both tests, while the Italy I1 provenance showed good growth in Žepce but not in Kupres.
UDK: 639.124(497.11) Perdix perdix L. (also known as the Grey partridge, English partridge, and Hungarian partridge) populations have been declining for years in natural habitats and areas in which this species of wildlife has been introduced. Hunting grounds at the base of Mt. Fruška Gora and Sremska Rača in the Republic of Serbia provide excellent conditions for its breeding. In addition to the data from hunting records about population quantity of the P. perdix, a direct monitoring allows a relevant inside to its' quantity in hunting associations’ hunting grounds. The decline of population quantity is mostly the result of the use of chemicals for protection of agricultural crops (10%), destruction of nests and bird eggs (12.5%), and the failure to implement failure wildlife-protection measures, by forbidding the hunt of P. perdix (5%) , and the use of poisons on agricultural crops, such as the forbidden poison Furadan (5%). Although no significant results have been obtained on the impact of predators and abandoned animals on the reduction of P. perdix population, there is a justified concern by hunting associations’ in terms of finding ecologically and biologically viable solutions for impact on predators on feathered game, and especially abandoned dogs. The results of the study were obtained by the method of directly determining the number of P. perdix in the crop fields, in the hunting grounds of L.D. "Fazan Mala Remeta", L.D. "Fazan" Jazak, L.D. "Stejanovci" Stejanovci, L.D. "Zec" Vrdnik and L.D. "Srndać" Sremska Rača. The obtained results directly the need to introduce the principle of integral protection of P. perdix, which implies control over the implementation of measures for the protection of agricultural crops and the implementation of P. perdix protection measures during the organization of hunting on other game species in hunting grounds.
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