
Publikacije (53)

Tamara Maksimovic, A. Mandić, S. Maksimovic, Ivan Kuhajda, Milorad Bijelović, N. Stevanovic

Introduction. Ovarian cancer is the most lethal gynecological cancer. The most common manifestation of thoracic metastasis is pleural effusion. Pleural effusion with positive cytology is regarded as stage IVa of the International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics classification, and the overall five-year survival in these patients is less than 20%. We analyzed the data of patients with ovarian cancer who were treated at the Oncology Institue of Vojvodina, in order to establish the incidence of malignant pleural effusions, laterality of pleural effusions, and clinical manifestations. Material and Methods. The study included 731 patients with ovarian cancer who were treated at the Oncology Institue of Vojvodina from January 2012 to May 2020. The obtained data were compared with data found in the literature in the same period. Results. The incidence of malignant pleural effusion in our study was 5.75%; right-sided pleural effusion was found in 57.15% of patients, 33.33% of patients had effusion on the left side, and 9.52% had bilateral effusions. Thus, unilateral effusion was found in 90.48% of cases, and bilateral in only 9.52%. The most common symptom was dyspnea, reported in 33 patients (78.6%). Conclusion. The incidence of malignant pleural effusion in our study was most similar to data found by Zamboni et al. published in 2015; the right side was the dominant side of pleural effusions. The most common symptoms were dyspnea, shortnes of breath and chest pain.

The vascular approach is a prerequisite for performing hemodialysis, but their "weak points" are different and frequent complications. Modern guidelines recommend native arteriovenous fistula (AVF) as the first choice of vascular approach because it is characterized by the longest survival and the least complications compared to other vascular approaches. All complications of AVF can be divided into intraoperative, early, and late postoperative. This paper presents the late postoperative complications of AVF, their frequency, causes, diagnosis and treatment. The most important late postoperative complications are: stenosis, thrombosis, aneurysm or pseudoaneurysm formation, infection, hand edema, hematoma, ischemic steal syndrome, ischemic neuropathy, congestive heart failure. Large differences in the frequency of each complication in earlier studies can be explained by differences in surgical technique, localization of AVF, diagnostic methods, but, above all, differences between the presented groups of patients. It is described that the age of patients, sex, underlying disease, the presence of comorbid conditions and various metabolic and immune disorders characteristic of chronic renal failure, as well as the way of using and caring for AVF significantly affect the occurrence of AVF complications. One of the main predictors of AVF success and survival is the quality of the patients' blood vessels, and therefore careful examination of blood vessels before approaching AVF creation is of particular importance. The creation, use and care of AVF is the task of the team of health professionals who take part in the treatment of these patients, and successful treatment requires their good cooperation, as well as cooperation with patients.

Danijela Kuhajda, Ivan Kuhajda, M. Ilic, S. Maksimovic, Jelena Crnobrnja, Nensi Lalić, M. Bojović

Introduction/Objective. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a primary lung disease. Today, pulmonary rehabilitation (PR) is the basis of non-pharmacological treatment of these patients, with numerous confirmed effects on the most significant symptoms of the disease and quality of life (QoL). The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between certain risk factors and the outcome of PR, as well as to determine the percentage of respondents who had a positive outcome of PR. Methods. The study included 500 patients with COPD, determined according to the guidelines of the GOLD, all stages I-IV, in the stable phase of the disease, who completed the outpatient PR program. Disease stage, comorbidities, forced expiratory volume in the first second, 6-minute walk test (6MWT), COPD Assessment Test (CAT) and Medical Research Council dyspnea scale, BODE index, were measured before and after the program. The last four parameters have been observed as risk factors that affect the outcome of PR, but also as parameters by which we monitor the outcome of PR. Results. A successful outcome of PR was achieved by as many as 452 (90.4%) patients. As independent predictors of a positive outcome of PR were determined: lower number of comorbidities, absence of heart failure, higher BMI and CAT ? 10. Conclusions. PR in our group of patients leads to statistically significant improvements in most of the examined subjective and objective parameters, in patients at all stages of the disease.

D. Tegeltija, A. Lovrenski, Tijana Vasiljević, S. Maksimovic

Introduction/Objective. The presence of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) mutations is the best predictor of response for therapy with tyrosine kinase inhibitors. In this study, we investigate association between EGFR mutations and clinicopathological characteristics and thyroid transcription factor (TTF-1) expression in lung adenocarcinomas (AD). Methods. We analyzed 142 surgical samples from patients with histologically confirmed lung AD from January 2010 to December 2015. All tumor tissues were reclassified according to the World Health Organization criteria and EGFR mutations detected by real-time polymerase chain reaction. TTF-1 expression was detected by immunohistochemistry in 83 out of 142 cases. The association between EGFR and TTF-1 expression was analyzed using the ?2 test or Fisher?s exact test with SPSS software version 20.0. Results. This study included 78 male and 64 women with a median age of 61.6 (range, 42?82) years. Acinar (ACN) and solid (SOL) were the most common histological types (47.9% and 38.7%, respectively). TTF-1 expression was present in 69 of 83 (83%) ADs. The EGFR mutation was found in 7%, more frequently in women, and patients with smoking history, and acinar type of AD, whereas it had no association with age and pathological stage and TTF-1 expression. Conclusion. In conclusion, the results of this study demonstrate that the presence of EGFR mutations is associated with some clinical characteristics and histologic type of ADs, but not with TTF-1 expression.

A. Lovrenski, D. Tegeltija, S. Karan, S. Maksimovic, S. Lečić, Ivan Kuhajda

Ivan Ergelašev, Dejan Đurić, S. Maksimovic

Introduction. Fibrous dysplasia is a noninherited benign skeletal disorder associated with abnormal bone development. Single bone involvement, the monostotic form, accounts for 70 – 80% of cases, while the polyostotic form, with multiple bone involvement, accounts for 20 – 30% of cases. Cystic degeneration and occasional aneurysmal bone cyst formation may be found in fibrous dysplasia lesions, particularly in the costal lesions. Case Report. A 51-year-old man presented with acute shortness of breath after sustaining simple chest wall injury. Chest computed tomography showed multiple massive osteolytic rib lesions, as well as a massive left-sided pleural effusion with compression atelectasis of the lung parenchyma. Osteolytic lesions of the anterior 2nd and 7th thoracic vertebral body were found, along with a well defined osteolytic lesion in the body of the sternum. Video-assisted thoracoscopy of the left pleural space was performed and frozen sections, collected using endoscopic biopsy forceps of the cystic wall and solid parts of the tumors, were sent for ex tempore histopathological analysis. Results showed fibrous dysplasia with suspected malignancy. Talc pleurodesis was performed based on the obtained results. At present, the patient is asymptomatic with his daily routine uninterrupted by his medical condition. Conclusion. Treatment of pleural effusion caused by a cyst rupture of unresectable degenerated polyostotic fibrous dysplasia of the ribs represents a surgical challenge. Surgical drainage of the cysts followed by chemical pleurodesis seems to be a reasonable solution in cases where pulmonary functions are impacted by combined effects of pleural effusion and cystic compression.

Ivan Ergelašev, Ivan Kuhajda, D. Djurić, Danijela Kuhajda, S. Maksimovic

Introduction. Fibrous dysplasia is a noninherited benign skeletal disorder associated with abnormal bone development. Single bone involvement, the monostotic form, accounts for 70 ? 80% of cases, while the polyostotic form, with multiple bone involvement, accounts for 20 ? 30% of cases. Cystic degeneration and occasional aneurysmal bone cyst formation may be found in fibrous dysplasia lesions, particularly in the costal lesions. Case Report. A 51-year-old man presented with acute shortness of breath after sustaining simple chest wall injury. Chest computed tomography showed multiple massive osteolytic rib lesions, as well as a massive left-sided pleural effusion with compression atelectasis of the lung parenchyma. Osteolytic lesions of the anterior 2nd and 7th thoracic vertebral body were found, along with a well defined osteolytic lesion in the body of the sternum. Video-assisted thoracoscopy of the left pleural space was performed and frozen sections, collected using endoscopic biopsy forceps of the cystic wall and solid parts of the tumors, were sent for ex tempore histopathological analysis. Results showed fibrous dysplasia with suspected malignancy. Talc pleurodesis was performed based on the obtained results. At present, the patient is asymptomatic with his daily routine uninterrupted by his medical condition. Conclusion. Treatment of pleural effusion caused by a cyst rupture of unresectable degenerated polyostotic fibrous dysplasia of the ribs represents a surgical challenge. Surgical drainage of the cysts followed by chemical pleurodesis seems to be a reasonable solution in cases where pulmonary functions are impacted by combined effects of pleural effusion and cystic compression.

N. Milićević, S. Stojkovic, V. Miloradovic, S. Maksimovic

Patient, a man, age of 66 years, was admitted to the Internal Department,Interventional Cardiology Department for chest pains by type of stable anginapectoris. CCS II. In ambulatory conditions he was made non-invasive diagnostics,and after a positive ergometric test, a decision was made that the patient beadmitted to the catheterization hall for invasive diagnosis and possible percutaneouscoronary intervention.

Z. Gojković, D. Đokanović, B. Jakovljević, S. Maksimovic, S. Jungić, I. Rakita, M. Vještica, R. Rašeta et al.

Introduction: The introduction of BRAF inhibitor vemurafenib significantly improvedoverall survival (OS) in metastatic melanoma patients.Aim of the Study: The purpose of this study was to determine OS and progressionfree survival (PFS) in patients with advanced metastatic melanoma treated withvemurafenib in the Oncology Clinic, University Clinical Centre of the Republic ofSrpska (UKC RS). The secondary goal is to determine the effect of elevated serumlactate dehydrogenase (LDH) on OS.Patients and Methods: We analysed patients that received vemurafenib in theApril 2015. until March 2018. They had pathohistologically confirmed B-RAF positivemetastatic melanoma. LDH values were measured at the start of the treatment.Results: A total of 16 patients were analyzed, with an average age of 53 years(37-78). A large number of patients at the start had multiple sites of metastases.Calculated OS in patients who received vemurafenib is 11.8 months (p=0,23), withstandard deviation (SD) 9.18. The calculated PFS is 9.5, SD 7,57. OS in patients withnormal LDH is 14.4 months, SD 10.73, and with elevated LDH is 8.4 months, SD4.9 (p=0.079).Conclusion: Use of vemurafenib resulted in an improvement in PFS, with improvedOS in patients with advanced BRAF-mutated melanoma. In patients with elevatedLDH OS was reduced. This shows that LDH is a good prognostic marker and thatwe should do it routinely for all patients with melanoma. This study has indicatedthe need for new diagnostic and therapeutic options for melanoma in Republic ofSrpska.

Background: We examined survival and time until recurrence of disease by multivariant analysis in patients treated for papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC). Patients and Methods: In the period from January 2003 to January 2018, we analyzed 102 patients with PTC in Public Health Institution–Hospital “Sveti Vracevi” in Bijeljina. Survival and time until recurrence of the disease were analyzed using patients’ general data and factors based on preoperative, intraoperative and postoperative examinations. Many prognostic factors were analyzed together; the AGES prognostic score, consisting of age, grade, extent and size, and the AMES prognostic score, consisting of age, metastases, extent and size. Results: We analyzed 102 patients with PTC. Out of these 87 patients had AGES p.s ≤ 3.99 and 15 patients had AGES p.s> 4. The survival of patients was affected by the presence of distant metastases at the time of diagnosis p = 0.00109 and age p = 0.0436. Recurrence of the disease was recorded in 14 patients. Most patients had recurrence of the disease in the first 5 years after initial surgery. Analyzing the time until recurrence, we concluded that, statistically speaking, AGES p.s> 4 affect recurrence of the disease p = 0.0355 in a significant way, while distant metastases affect it in a very significant way (p = 0.008). Conclusions: Prognostic factors of papillary thyroid carcinoma can be divided into 4 categories, patients’ general data and factors based on preoperative, intraoperative and postoperative examinations.

B. Jakovljević, S. Maksimovic, S. Miličević, D. Đokanović, Bosna i Hercegovina Opšta bolnica „Sveti Vračevi“ Bijeljina

B. Jakovljević, Herzegovina, S. Maksimovic, S. Miličević, D. Đokanović

Introduction: Testicular tumors account for approximately 1% of all malignancies in men, but the age of patients and its increasing incidence make this malignancy one of the leading oncological problems. In spite of the fact that the testicles are organs accessible for self-examination and the accessibility of ultrasound examination as the method of choice in diagnostics, these tumors are often detected in an advanced stage of the disease. Aim of the Study: The aim of this study is to evaluate the occurrence of advanced disease at the time of diagnosis of testicular germ cell tumors, through retrospective analysis. Patients and Methods: Our study examines patients with testicular germ cell tumor (seminomatous and non-seminomatous) according to numerous parameters - anamnesis with special emphasis on risk factors, clinical examination, laboratory analyses with tumor markers, and diagnostic imaging examinations (thorax, abdomen and pelvis CT scan). Before the specific treatment, spermiogram and semen cryopreservation were done for most patients, while in some cases additional diagnostics (MRI of the endocranium, skeletal scintigraphy) was indicated as well. Results: During the observation period, 132 patients with testicular germ cell tumor were treated and observed, of which 58 patients (44%) with seminomatous tumor type and 74 patients (56%) with non-seminomatous tumors. Of the total number of patients, at the time of disease diagnosis, there were 41 patients (31%) with N1- N3 status of retroperitoneal lymph nodes and 17 patients (12.8%) with M1a-M1b metastatic status. Conclusion: A large number of newly detected testicular tumors are diagnosed in an advanced stage of the disease. It is necessary to raise awareness of the general population about this malignancy, emphasise the importance of self-examination in younger men, and promote the possibility of routine ultrasound examinations with the aim of early detection of the disease.

Background The purpose of this study is to establish whether the lymph node metastases of the papillary thyroid carcinoma are a significant factor in recurrence of the disease by analyzing the time until recurrence of the disease and frequency of recurrence of the disease. Methods From 1 January 1995 until 30 June 2017, 102 patients were treated at the Public Health Institute Hospital “Sveti Vracevi” in Bijeljina for PTC. In all patients, surgery of the thyroid gland and/or lymph nodes of the neck was performed. Total thyroidectomy (TT) was performed in 20 patients and near-total thyroidectomy leaving <1 g thyroid tissue adjacent to the recurrent laryngeal nerve in 7 patients. TT and lymph nodes dissection were performed in 71 patients. Palliative surgery and biopsy due to locally advanced disease were performed in 3 patients. Results In our study, 102 patients with PTC were analyzed. 82 patients experienced pure PTC (80.4%), the other 20 patients (19.6%) experienced other variants of PTC. 24 patients (23.5%) experienced multi centric or bilateral tumors. 71 patients (69.6%) experienced histologically verified metastases in the lymph nodes of the neck. 7 patients (6.8%) experienced distant metastases. 20 patients underwent total thyroidectomy (TT), and 7 near-total thyroidectomy. Total thyroidectomy + dissection of central and lower jugular lymph nodes with frozen section histopathology verification was performed in 71 patients (69.6%). Out of these 71 patients, in 50 patients (70.4%) metastases were verified in the lower jugular lymph nodes. A modified lymph node dissection (MRND) was also performed in these patients. Conclusion Lymph node metastases of the papillary thyroid carcinoma are a plausible prognostic factor. They are important for recurrence of the disease, but not for survival.

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