
Publikacije (7)

Merima Šabanović, A. Lazari, M. Blanco-Pozo, J. Lerch, M. Walton, D. Bannerman

Psychedelic drugs can aid fast and lasting remission from various neuropsychiatric disorders, though the underlying mechanisms remain unclear. Preclinical studies suggest serotonergic psychedelics enhance neuronal plasticity, but whether neuroplastic changes can also be seen at cognitive and behavioural levels is unexplored. Here we show that a single dose of the psychedelic 2,5-dimethoxy-4-iodoamphetamine ((±)-DOI) affects structural brain plasticity and cognitive flexibility in young adult mice beyond the acute drug experience. Using ex vivo magnetic resonance imaging, we show increased volumes of several sensory and association areas one day after systemic administration of 2mgkg−1 (±)-DOI. We then demonstrate lasting effects of (±)-DOI on cognitive flexibility in a two-step probabilistic reversal learning task where 2mgkg−1 (±)-DOI improved the rate of adaptation to a novel reversal in task structure occurring one-week post-treatment. Strikingly, (±)-DOI-treated mice started learning from reward omissions, a unique strategy not typically seen in mice in this task, suggesting heightened sensitivity to previously overlooked cues. Crucially, further experiments revealed that (±)-DOI’s effects on cognitive flexibility were contingent on the timing between drug treatment and the novel reversal, as well as on the nature of the intervening experience. (±)-DOI’s facilitation of both cognitive adaptation and novel thinking strategies may contribute to the clinical benefits of psychedelic-assisted therapy, particularly in cases of perseverative behaviours and a resistance to change seen in depression, anxiety, or addiction. Furthermore, our findings highlight the crucial role of time-dependent neuroplasticity and the influence of experiential factors in shaping the therapeutic potential of psychedelic interventions for impaired cognitive flexibility.

T. Yamagata, M. Kahn, José Prius-Mengual, Eli J. G. Meijer, Merima Šabanović, M. Guillaumin, V. van der Vinne, Yi-Ge Huang et al.

Significance Our current understanding of how sleep is regulated is based upon the model of sleep homeostasis, which defines a variable called Process S as a measure of sleep need, and a so-called “flip-flop” model of state switching, which builds on a notion of a mutually antagonistic relationship between subcortical sleep-promoting and wake-promoting circuits. The neurobiological substrates of the interaction between the sleep switch and Process S are unknown. Our study identifies a previously unrecognized role of hypothalamic circuitry in tuning within-state brain activity or levels of arousal, which in turn determine the homeostatic drive for sleep. Sleep and wakefulness are not simple, homogenous all-or-none states but represent a spectrum of substates, distinguished by behavior, levels of arousal, and brain activity at the local and global levels. Until now, the role of the hypothalamic circuitry in sleep–wake control was studied primarily with respect to its contribution to rapid state transitions. In contrast, whether the hypothalamus modulates within-state dynamics (state “quality”) and the functional significance thereof remains unexplored. Here, we show that photoactivation of inhibitory neurons in the lateral preoptic area (LPO) of the hypothalamus of adult male and female laboratory mice does not merely trigger awakening from sleep, but the resulting awake state is also characterized by an activated electroencephalogram (EEG) pattern, suggesting increased levels of arousal. This was associated with a faster build-up of sleep pressure, as reflected in higher EEG slow-wave activity (SWA) during subsequent sleep. In contrast, photoinhibition of inhibitory LPO neurons did not result in changes in vigilance states but was associated with persistently increased EEG SWA during spontaneous sleep. These findings suggest a role of the LPO in regulating arousal levels, which we propose as a key variable shaping the daily architecture of sleep–wake states.

T. Yamagata, M. Kahn, Merima Šabanović, M. Guillaumin, V. van der Vinne, Yi-Ge Huang, L. McKillop, A. Jagannath et al.

Sleep and wakefulness are not simple homogenous all-or-none states, but instead are characterized by rich dynamics of brain activity across many temporal and spatial scales. Rapid global state transitions between waking and sleeping are believed to be controlled by hypothalamic circuits, but the contribution of the hypothalamus to within-state changes of sleep and wake “intensity” remains largely unexplored. Here we show that stimulation of inhibitory neurons in the preoptic hypothalamus does not merely trigger awakening from sleep, but the resulting awake state is also characterized by increased cortical activity. This activation is associated with a faster build-up of sleep pressure, proportional to the arousal level. These findings show that hypothalamic systems thought to exclusively control global state switching, also regulate within-state “intensity”, which we propose as a key intrinsic variable in shaping the architecture of sleep/wake states across the 24h day.

He Liu, Ashutosh Rastogi, Merima Šabanović, Aisha Darwish Alhammadi, Qing Xu, Lihua Guo, Jun-li Cao, Hongxing Zhang et al.

Daily rhythms are disrupted in patients suffering from mood disorders. The lateral habenula (LHb) and dorsal raphe nucleus (DRN) contribute to circadian timekeeping and regulate mood. Thus, pathophysiology in these nuclei may be responsible for aberrations in daily rhythms during mood disorders. Using the chronic social defeat stress (CSDS) paradigm and in-vitro slice electrophysiology we measured the effects of stress on diurnal rhythms in firing of LHb cells projecting to the DRN (cellsLHb→DRN) and DRN cells alone. We also performed optogenetic experiments to investigate if increased firing in cellsLHb→DRN during exposure to subthreshold social defeat stress (SSDS), induces stress-susceptibility. Last we investigated whether exposure to CSDS affected the ability of mice to phototentrain to a new LD cycle. The cellsLHb→DRN and DRN cells alone of stress-susceptible mice express greater blunted diurnal firing compared to stress-naive (control) and stress-resilient mice. Day-time optogenetic activation of cellsLHb→DRN during SSDS induces stress-susceptibility which shows the direct correlation between increased activity in this circuit and putative mood disorders. Finally, we found that stress-susceptible mice are slower, while stress-resilient mice are faster, at photoentraining to a new LD cycle. Our findings suggest that CSDS induces blunted daily rhythms in firing in cellsLHb→DRN and slow rate of photoentrainment in susceptible-mice. In contrast, resilientmice may undergo homeostatic adaptations that maintain daily rhythms in firing in cellsLHb→DRN and also show rapid photoentrainment to a new LD-cycle.

J. Whelan, Joseph Koussa, Ibrahim Chehade, Merima Šabanović, Adrienne Chang, Daniel Carelli, Z. An, Lu Zhang et al.

The research-driven laboratory experiment described herein has at its core the individual development of students, combining core subject matter with the opportunity to explore, in a research environment, areas outside of traditional curricula; however, it maintains the pedagogical training for an undergraduate major degree in chemistry and sciences in general. The laboratory can feasibly be implemented in high schools to expose students to an engaging and intellectually fulfilling aspect of chemistry early in their career. This seven-week project is based on the growth and study of crystals and encourages students, from the outset, to conceive, propose, design, plan and carry out their own research on chemicals and conditions of their own choosing. The wide array of laboratory equipment, analytical instrumentation and techniques that the students are potentially exposed to, from micropipettes and optical microscopes to scanning electron microscopy and powder X-ray diffraction, puts these projects on a par with senior capstone research projects. The feedback from the students for the seven years this project has been in operation is almost unanimous in enthusiasm and praise.

Merima Šabanović, He Liu, V. Mlambo, Hala Aqel, D. Chaudhury

Dominance hierarchies of social animal groups are influenced by complex factors such as stress. Stress experienced by an animal prior to social interactions with a conspecific may be a determinant of their future social dynamics. Additionally, long-term occupancy of a specific hierarchical rank can have psychophysiological effects, leading to vulnerability to future stress. The current study aimed to delineate differential effects of stress acting before or after hierarchy formation. Using the chronic social defeat stress (CSDS) paradigm we performed behavioural investigations to determine whether exposure to CSDS before hierarchy formation predicted the new dominance status. Moreover, in another study we investigated whether social rank predicted stress vulnerability. We found that CSDS did not impede the establishment of dominance in new hierarchies as both stress-susceptible (socially avoidant) and –resilient (social) mice were able to attain dominant ranks. In contrast, within newly established hierarchies of stress-naïve mice, the subordinate, but not dominant, mice exhibit significantly greater avoidance of novel social targets. However, following exposure to CSDS, both lowest- and highest-ranked mice exhibit strong susceptibility to stress as measured by decreased interactions with a novel social target. These results suggest that the response to chronic social stress did not determine social rank in new cohorts, but low-status mice in newly established groups exhibited lower sociability to novel social targets. Interestingly, exposure of a hierarchical social group to chronic social stress led to stress-susceptibility in both high- and low-status mice as measured by social interaction. Highlights Stress susceptibility to chronic social defeat did not impede the establishment of dominance in new hierarchies. Subordinate mice exhibit reduced social preference after hierarchy formation. Following chronic social defeat stress, both subordinate and dominant mice exhibit susceptible-like reduction in social interaction, but dominant mice exhibit the greater decrease in social preference as compared to baseline.

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