Self-Optimization of Wireless Systems With Knowledge Management: An Artificial Intelligence Approach
In this paper, we propose a new concept of a knowledge management framework to enable a self-optimizing and self-learning for wireless system operation in real time. The framework encapsulates both environment and intelligent agent to reach optimal operation through sensing, perception, reasoning, and learning in a truly autonomous fashion. The agent derives adequate knowledge from previous actions improving the quality of future decisions. Domain experience was provided to guide the agent while exploring and exploiting the set of possible actions in the environment. Thus, it guarantees low-cost learning and achieves a near-optimal network configuration addressing the non-deterministic polynomial-time hardness problem of joint channel and location optimization in a wireless system. Extensive simulations are run to validate its fast convergence, high throughput, and resilience to dynamic interference conditions. We deploy the framework on off-the-shelf wireless devices to propose autonomous self-optimization with knowledge management.