UDK: 582.323: 574.4(497.6)(234.422) 551.438.22(497.6)(234.422) Peatland ecosystems in Bosnia and Herzegovina represent a relict remain of the vegetation, flora and fauna from the glaciation periods. Peatlands are widespread on the North, where they occupy large areas of northern Europe, Asia and Canada. Occurrence of this type of ecosystems in Bosnia and Herzegovina contains an indication of nature conservation in general and represents an extraordinary natural value. The status of peatland ecosystems in the Balkans should be carefully monitored especially today, at the time of the already recognizable effects of climate change. The preserved structure and functionality of these ecosystems might indicate satisfactory degree of resilience to climate change, but adverse state warns on the need to take appropriate actions. Multiply drivers as overexploitation of natural resources, water, air and soil pollution and spread of invasive alien species, also have a negative effect on peatland ecosystems. In order to assess the conditions of peatland ecosystems in Bosnia and Herzegovina, researches were carried out on Vranica and Zvijezda mountain in central Bosnia. Researches was conducted including the following communities: Sphagno-Piceetum montanum Stef 1964, Sphagnetum recurvo-subsecundi Grgić et al. 1991, Menyanthi-Sphagnetum Grgić et al. 1991 Scirpetum silvatici Ht et H-ić, Calthaetum rostratae Lakušić et al. 1991, Abieti-Piceetum illyricum Fuk. 1960 Stef. 62 s.l ect. To investigate existing conditions state of the peatland ecosystems, floristic elements and life forms were determined for every plant species. A comparison of previous and today’s state of these communities was conducted, associated with analysis of Ellenberg’s indices for temperature, light, soil reaction etc. According to Lakušić et al., 1991., these type of ecosystems in Bosnia and Herzegovina was satisfactory. However, today's finding shows severe changes. The loss of peatland habitats was recorded in the entire area of research. The main identified drivers are deforestation, habitat conversion and drainage of watercourses. In order to protect this type of ecosystems and important indicator species it is necessary to implement different conservation and restoration activities.