Reperfusion therapy remains the most effective treatment for patients suffering from acute coronary syndrome. The start time of reperfusion therapy is an important factor, and has a positive influence in reducing the number of days of hospitalisation, occurrences of readmi ssion, risk of reinfarction, and both short and long-term mortality. Several models of reperfusion therapy are available: thrombolytic treatment (pre-hospital or in-hospital), primary percutaneous coronary intervention (primary PCI [pPCI]), or a combination of both. PPCI is the preferred treatment (and should be administered as early as possible) in centres with experienced teams, especially for patients in cardiogenic shock, or those with contraindicated fibrinolytic (TL) therapies. Many randomised clinical trials have shown that pPCI is superior to TL in reducing mortality, reinfarction, and stroke. Our aim is to describe the easiest and quickest way of establishing the primary PCI network in Bosnia and Herzegovina. It is possible, by combining the efforts of both entities of Bosnia and Herzegovina, to establish a functional and effective PCI network, particularly since Bosnia and Herzegovina has become a participant in the Stent for Life initiative.