Securitization and Criminalization of Migrants in Bosnia and Herzegovina
The paper explores the nature and trend of migration during 2018, on the example of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The politicization of migrants' issues as well as a number of other factors contributed to the attitude of criminalization and securitization of migrants. Most authors and researchers dealing with the issue of migrants as well as the security representatives themselves argue that migrants are not a security threat to Bosnia and Herzegovina and that the state should treat them humanely and treat them according to international standards. In this paper we have determined that it is necessary to work on building additional capacities to accommodate migrants who have not found any accommodation or are on routes of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and that is important to undertake activities on technical, material and financial support for migration management in Bosnia and Herzegovina. We have used a qualitative research approach with the use of interview techniques and desk analysis for the purpose of collecting and processing primary and secondary data.