0 7. 6. 2017.

Semantički opseg atributa u Arapskom jeziku

Polazeci od postojecih opisa semantike razlicitih formi atributa u arapskom jeziku, rad se u nedostatku sistematicnog modela lingvistickog opisa znacenja atributa, okrece kognitivnoj psihologiji i relacijskom pristupu razumijevanju atributa. Uz pomoc relacijskog pristupa, rad ne samo da uocava nova, dosad neopisana znacenja arapskog posesivnog genitiva i atributa opcenito, kao sto su izvor i instrumental, nego uspijeva uvesti i sistematican i jednostavan nacin opisa drugih znacenja posesivnog genitiva, kroz upotrebu simetricnih parova relacija unutar znacenja posesiva, gradivnog kvalitativa, kvalitativa, lokativa, protemporala, kauzativa i instrumentala. Na osnovu poređenja sa znacenjima posesivnog genitiva, u radu je ponuđen i opis znacenja drugih formi atributa u arapskom jeziku siri i obuhvatniji od onog koji se može naci u literaturi. Konacno, prihvatanjem postojanja niza tematskih relacija kodiranih u formi posesivnog genitiva u arapskoj genitivnoj vezi, objasnjeno je kako veliko semanticko bogatstvo ove forme, tako i njena elipticnost i veca stilska efektnost u poređenju s drugim formama atributa u arapskom jeziku. --------------------------------------------------  The semantic scope of attributive noun phrase modification in Arabic Starting with the discussion of existing semantic descriptions of various forms of Arabic attributive modifiers, the study, due to absence of a systematic model for linguistic description of attributive modifier semantics, reaches out to cognitive psychology and relation-based approach to understanding of modifier-noun combinations. The application of relation-based approach both helps find new and so far not described meanings of Arabic possessive genitives and attributive modifiers in general, like source and instrument, and allows for the introduction of a systematic and simple model for description of other meanings of possessive genitive through the use of symmetrical pairs of relations within its possessive, material, quality, location, duration, causative and instrument meaning. Based on comparison with the meanings of possessive genitives, the study offers a description of other forms of Arabic attributive modifiers that is wider and more inclusive than those found in literature. Finally, by means of accepting of existence of a number of thematic relations encoded in the form of possessive genitive in Arabic status constructus, the study explains both the semantic abundance of Arabic possessive genitive, and its elliptic character and higher stylistic potential as compared to other attributive modifiers in Arabic.

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