Prevalencija predijabetesa kod odraslih predgojaznih i gojaznih osoba i utvrđivanje njihovog rizika za obolijevanje od dijabetesa
Introduction: Prediabetes is a state of impaired glucose homeostasis manifested either by an increase in fasting glucose or a decrease in glucose tolerance. Prediabetes carries a high risk of developing diabetes and cardiovascular complications. Aim: to determine the prevalence of prediabetes in pre-obese and obese individuals and the ten-year risk of developing T2DM in these subjects. Methods: The study was conducted in the family medicine clinics of the Educational Center for Family Medicine (ECFM) of the Banja Luka Health Center and the Tesliü Health Center. The study included pre-obese and obese patients older than 18 years of age, with a body mass index greater than 27.0 kg/m2. The research instrument was a questionnaire with sociodemographic data, a questionnaire for assessing the risk of developing diabetes mellitus type 2 (FINDRISC), and patient anthropometric measurements, arterial blood pressure measurements and laboratory findings (fasting glucose, lipid status, HbA1c) were performed. Results: The research included 264 patients. The prevalence of prediabetes in obese patients is 28.03%, while in pre-obese it is 21.21%. Subjects with a larger waist circumference are more likely to have prediabetes. With increasing age, the chance of getting prediabetes increases, over 30% of obese and pre-obese people who are over 70 years old have prediabetes. In relation to gender, women have a higher chance of developing prediabetes. Data from the FINDRISC questionnaire showed that 1.52% of patients from the pre-obese category have a 50% chance of developing diabetes within ten years, while 13.6% of obese patients have a 50% chance of developing T2DM within ten years. Conclusion: The role of family medicine doctors is in early identification of patients with prediabetes and diabetes, reduction of risk factors and possibly pharmacological treatment of these patients.