[Study of immunomodulators on isolated organs].
Isolated organs: human ureter, and oesophagus, stomach, ileum, urinary bladder and vas deferns from the experimental animals were used in the investigations of the effect of five immunomodificators (Murabutid, Thymopenthin, MDP-401, MDP-409 and TGGA). The isolated organs were used as isolated innervated organs (IIO), i.e., they were contracting by stimulating extrinsic or intrinsic motor nerves. A number of animals were sensibilised by antigens, the antigen-antibody reaction (AAR) in vitro being induced. The substances investigated in micromolar concentrations modified contral contraction slightly. The modification of the AAR was also rather low and insignificant. There remains the problem of the visualization of AAR to be solved and the effect of immunomodificators in vitro on the IIO to be established.