Basic anthropometric and body composition characteristics in elderly population: A Systematic Review
The aim of this study was to determine the basic anthropometric characteristics and body composition of elderly persons between 60 and 80 years of age on the basis of data collection and analyzed papers published between the years 1990 and 2011. Literature search was conducted using the following bases: MEDLINE, Google Scholar, Kobson and DOAJ. The selection was based on criteria related to age which participants belong (60-80 years), than that study was related to body composition and anthropometric parameters, and that it was not conducted on a participants with chronic disease. The study included 28 research studies which met all the criteria for selection. Body composition in elderly people between 60 and 80 years could be influenced by the genetic potential, early growth and development, differences in socio-economic status, health status, as well as by geographic region and ethnic group affiliation. Aging is associated with a higher percentage of body fat and body fat redistribution. Redistribution of fat, predominantly from lower-body to subcutaneous fat in the abdominal and visceral part is the most frequent in the elderly despite an apparent decrease of BMI. This phenomenon mainly occurs due to changes in total adiposity and changes in body weight.