Edin Garaplija, Samir Rizvo
0 30. 4. 2020.


Inspiracija za rad i problem (i) koji se radom oslovljava (ju): Zastita kriticne infrastrukture (KI) je jedan od kljucnih bezbjednosno/sigurnosnih izazova danasnjice. Sve ucesta-lije prirodne katastrofe izazvane globalnim klimatskim promjenama, tehnicko-tehnoloske nesrece i udesi, te teroristicke prijetnje i drugi antropogeni rizici nastali uslijed ljudskog nemara ili namjere, su realna svakodnevna prijetnja po kriticnu infrastrukturu sva-kog razvijenog drustva. Ciljevi rada (naucni i/ili drustveni): Bosna i Hercegovina, zemlja složenog drustveno-politickog uređenja, na svom putu ka Euro-Atlantskim integracijama, kao i njena kriticna infrastruktura, sigurno predstavljaju osnovanu bazu za realan scenario od gore pobrojanih rizika. Metodologija/Dizajn: Ubrzanim razvojem tehnologije, prijetnje po KI, nisu samo od gore pobrojanih rizika i opasnosti, vec i od sve ucestalijeg “IT terorizma”, “cyber napada” na pojedince i institucije razvijenih zemalja i njihovu KI. Ogranicenja istraživanja/rada: Samo NATO je mjesecno preko 500 puta meta “Cyber napada”. Međunarodnim standardima i pravnim naslijeđem su definisane standardne operativne procedure za kolektovanje, analizu i razmjenu podataka od važnosti za pojedinca i organizaciju. Rezultati/Nalazi: Radom se daje prikaz korelacije ove regulative sa novim IT tehnologijama danasnjice i buducnosti, Geo-reference information system (GIS) i Building Intelligence Modeling (BIM), koje predstavljaju globalne alate za identifikaciju, analizu i vrednovanje podataka, te njihovu sigurnu pohranu i upotrebu u svakodnevnim zadacima zastite kriticne infrastrukture. Generalni zakljucak: Također, ovim radom se daje osvrt na pitanje zastita od zloupotrebe i “presretanja” podataka od posebne važnosti za zastitu KI. Opravdanost istraživanja/rada : Bosna i Hercegovina na svom putu prikljucenja EU mora ubrzanim koracima poduzeti sve neophodne mjere, kako bi sustigla zemlje regiona u pogledu zastite kriticne infrastrukture i borbe protiv terorizma, pa je s tim u vezi, od izuzetne važnosti institucionalizacija i siroka primjena “pametnih” alata za zastitu sistema kriticne infrastrukture i kljucnih podataka za njihovo nesmetano funkcionisanje. ---------------------------------------------------------------- CYBER ATTACK PROTECTION AND CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURE DATA MANAGEMENT WITH THE INNOVATIVE 3D GIS AND BIM INSTRUMENTS Reason for writing and research problem (s): Critical Infrastructure Protection (CI) is one of the key security / security challenges of today. Increasingly occurring natural disasters caused by global climate change, technical and technological disasters and disasters, and terrorist threats and other anthropogenic risks arising from human negligence or intent are a real daily threat to the critical infrastructure of every developed society. Aims of the paper (scientific and/or social): Bosnia and Herzegovina, a country of complex socio-political order, on its path to Euro-Atlantic integration, as well as its critical infrastructure, is certainly a well-founded base for a realistic scenario of the risks listed above. Methodology/Design: The accelerated development of technology, threats to CIs, are not only of the above risks and dangers, but also of the increasing frequency of "IT terrorism", "cyber-attacks" on individuals and institutions of developed countries and their CIs. Research/Paper limitation: NATO alone is the target of "Cyber-attacks" over 500 times a month. International standards and legal heritage define standard operating procedures for the collection, analysis and exchange of data of importance to the individual and the organization. Results/Findings: This paper presents the correlation of this regulation with new IT technologies of today and the future, Geo-reference information system (GIS) and Building Intelligence Modeling (BIM), which are global tools for identifying, analyzing and evaluating data, and their secure storage and use in the day-to-day tasks of critical infrastructure protection. General Conclusion: Also, this paper addresses the issue of protection against misuse and "interception" of data of particular importance for the protection of CIs. Research/Paper Validity: Bosnia and Herzegovina, on its path to EU accession, must take all necessary steps in order to catch up with the countries of the region in terms of critical infrastructure protection and counter-terrorism, and in this regard, institutionalization and the widespread use of "smart" tools are essential. protection of critical infrastructure systems and key data for their smooth functioning.

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