Development of Corporate Bond Markets in Emerging Market Countries: Empirical Evidence from Bosnia and Herzegovina
In the countries with developed financial markets, unlike in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) and other emerging market countries (EMCs) with the so called bank-centric financial systems, corporate bonds are a rather significant alternative to the usage of bank loans for financing the development needs of the real sector of the economy (corporate sector). The new architecture of world’s financial stability with Basel III as its integral part additionally emphasizes this importance for both banks and companies. Besides, in the countries with developed financial markets it is probably needless to mention the need for high quality debt securities. This is especially true due to the conditions of stronger institutional investors on the market, such as pension funds that can realistically be expected to become the leading financial institutions of the 21st century, and ever increasing need of institutional investors, funds in particular, for high quality forms of assets and portfolio diversification. In EMCs in which pension reforms have still not been completely implemented or completed, considering a drastic fall in the ratio of the insured based on contribution payment and the number of pensioners, the existing situation is almost non-sustainable. Therefore, the transformation of pension funds in accordance to the two or three pillar structure and the emergence of voluntary pension funds as financially powerful institutional investors have no alternative. Certainly, in terms of corporate bonds and their issue on the one hand, and investing in them on the other, in EMCs and thus also in BiH there are some important aspects to be observed when analyzing their influence on the decisions on financing or investing (liquidity, interest rate level, clarity and implementation of regulations, etc.).