An Online Swallow Detection Algorithm Based on the Quadratic Variation of Dual-Axis Accelerometry
Swallow accelerometry is an emerging tool for noninvasive dysphagia screening. However, the automatic detection of a swallowing event is challenging due to contaminant vibrations arising from head motion, speech and coughing. In this paper, we consider the acceleration signal as a stochastic diffusion where movement is associated with drift and swallowing with volatility. Using this model, we develop a volatility-based swallow event detector that operates on the raw acceleration signal in an online fashion. With data from healthy participants and patients with dysphagia, the proposed detector achieves performance comparable to previously proposed swallow segmentation algorithms, with the added benefit of online detection and no signal pre-processing. The volatility-based detector may be useful for event identification in other biomechanical applications that rely on accelerometry signals.