On the Occasion of Medics Generation Meeting - 40 Years Since Graduation at Medical Faculty
On Saturday 14 May 2016 in Sarajevo, at the Holiday Inn hotel, was organized a reunion meeting of graduates at the Medical Faculty, University of Sarajevo, who graduated during the academic year 1975/76. The reason for the meeting was the celebration of the 40th anniversary of graduation, or so called “Faculty Graduation”. In one word, it was a lovely, wistful, poignant encounter of one, unfortunately, small group of graduates, as I said in my presentation, the best 25th anniversary generation of the Medical Faculty in Sarajevo. Generation that brought on their shoulders the most significant reform of the medical studies in Yugoslavia and that produced more than 40 university teachers worldwide. I said, unfortunately, because gathered a little more than 10% of our generation many were not able to come because of their work and family responsibilities, some were not informed on time about the gathering, some work and live quite far away, out of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Europe, so it is difficult to reconcile work with other circumstances, but, unfortunately, many of our generation are not alive anymore. It was a moving presentation from each of us – these were short personal histories with a mixture of beauty, sadness and melancholy, joy and sorrow, success and failure in life and work, family and personally. Most of our colleagues who attended the gathering dinner are still employed, while a few have retired. The first wail that they had enough, and the second teased them that they have reborn since retirement. Dominated is the love for the profession that we have chosen and which we enjoyed or still enjoy, but everyone emphasized their success to their offspring daughters, sons and grandchildren. Those that reminded of lost family members by their tears, which they could not hide, saddened also the rest of us. Unfortunately, many colleagues are not among us, who left this world by natural causes, lost their lives during the war or otherwise. People talked about the adventures, the small fragments of our student life. As usual in such situations and in our age, we remember good times – also often difficult REVIEW