Sensor-enabled smart suit electronic IoT design platform with emergency services application
An integrated smart suit sensor and positioning system electronic Internet of Things (IoT) prototype has been developed to address the growing need for personal welfare monitoring of first-line responders, defenders, and workers exposed to industrial or other hazards, as well as other commercial and defense, and new applications in cloud-based IoT. The system provides a global positioning system (GPS) position map with coordinate data, current Greenwich mean time (GMT) readout, subject's heart rate, body temperature, and a long-wave thermal video camera that provides a forward-looking thermal image. Physiologic data and thermal imaging of the subject may be viewed by monitoring personnel using Internet browser connected to the system's static Internet protocol (IP) address. The system is Wi-Fi connected to a local network, which can be extended to enable secure connection to the Internet with incorporation of additional firmware. Details regarding hardware and software configuration are presented along with an appendix containing additional data. Source code for the software modules currently running on the prototype system is also available for interested parties or potential users and customers.