Research data supporting "Aerosol-jet printing facilitates the rapid prototyping of microfluidic devices with versatile geometries and precise channel functionalization"
The data is split into separate folders for each figure. Figure 1 Contains the raw SEM images used Figure 2 Has one excel file with the Mean and StdDev of each well imaged. ImageJ was used to obtain the data from the images. The raw images can be found in the two folders called Gradient Test Chip 1/2. These folders contain .tif stacks of the 8 well positions which can be read using ImageJ. Figure 3 Excel File Figure 3 A The first sheet has the data that was plotted The second sheet 'Combined Data' has the raw data from Dektak measuring of the different steps as well as the combined data from the rest of the sheets which are the raw dumps of the images Excel File Figure 3 C Has the full data of the measured slope as well as the section that was plotted for easy of viewing the results. Figure 4 The Stack file shows the solution being pushed through the device. This is where the image in Figure 4 was taken.