Semi-autonomous scheme for pushing micro-objects
In many microassembly applications, it is often desirable to position and orient polygonal micro-objects lying on a planar surface. Pushing micro-objects using point contact provides more flexibility and less complexity compared to pick and place operation. Due to the fact that in micro-world surface forces are much more dominant than inertial forces and these forces are distributed unevenly, pushing through the center of mass of the micro-object will not yield a pure translational motion. In order to translate a micro-object, the line of pushing should pass through the center of friction. In this paper, a semi-autonomous scheme based on hybrid vision/force feedback is proposed to push microobjects with human assistance using a custom built tele-micromanipulation setup to achieve pure translational motion. The pushing operation is divided into two concurrent processes: In one process human operator who acts as an impedance controller alters the velocity of the pusher while in contact with the micro-object through scaled bilateral teleoperation with force feedback. In the other process, the desired line of pushing for the micro-object is determined continuously using visual feedback procedures so that it always passes through the varying center of friction. Experimental results are demonstrated to prove nano-Newton range force sensing, scaled bilateral teleoperation with force feedback and pushing microobjects.