E. Hasković, T. Muhic-Sarac, M. Lukić, Maja Marjanovic, S. Zero, Erna Islamagić
1 2021.

Determination of heavy metals in liver and skeletal muscles of pigs and calves: experience from Bosnia and Herzegovina

Haskovic, E., Muhic-Sarac, T., Lukic, M., Marjanovic, M., Zero, S. & Islamagic, E. (2021). Determination of heavy metals in liver and skeletal muscles of pigs and calves: experience from Bosnia and Herzegovina. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 27 (3), 593–599 Certrain heavy metals, as trace elements, have a significant role in biochemical processes of living systems. However, when present in quantities exceeding those required for accomplishing their biological functions, they can have a toxic effect. Given that, meat and meat products have an important role in human diet the objectives of the present study was to estimate Cr, Cu, Mn, Fe, Ni, Cd, Pb and Zn concentrations in liver and muscle tissues of pigs and calves from Bosnia and Herzegovina; moreover to compare the obtained values in order to determine the potentially same pattern of heavy metals accumulation and contamination. After acid digestion,concentration of metals was determinated by atomic absorption spectrometry – flame technique (FAAS). Chromium and manganese levels in pig’s muscle tissue were higher compared to liver tissue concentration of analyzed metals, while zinc had higher content in calf’s muscle. Levels of copper and manganese were higher in calf’s hepatic tissue compared to muscle, and the same results for manganese, iron and zinc was obtained from analysis of pig’s tissues.

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