PRINCE2 vs Scrum in digital business transformation
This paper compares two project management methodologies PRINCE 2 and Scrum in a case study of digital business transformation. There is no universal methodology, that could work for all projects, but digital transformation or Industry 4.0 indicates new management strategies, for which right framework is almost mandatory. Paper also emphasizes that digital transformation of an organisation can not be just an IT project. In case study we discuss budget, time and value for a project. We analyzed project of digital transforamation of insurance company, where we had case study of issuing a travel insurance policy. PRINCE 2 definitely provides wide range of guidelines that help managing project, but all the documentation demands certain knowledge, usually more time, and not lot of flexibility in project control. On the other side, Scrum does not provide enough documentation, and it’ better for small projects, with fast delivery needs. Every methodology goal is efficiency and effectiveness, and we try to give guidelines which one to use, based on simple comparison.