Alija Jusić, Z. Bajramovic, I. Turkovic, A. Mujezinović, V. P. Osmokrovic
8 2018.

Synergy of radioactive 241Am and the effect of hollow cathode in optimizing gas-insulated surge arresters characteristics

The pa per dis cusses the pos si bil ity of im prov ing the char ac ter of gas surge ar rest ers. Ex am ined were: the mag netic field ef fect, the ef fect of the hol low cath ode, and the ef fect of the al pha ra di a tion source 241Am. Nu mer i cal and real ex per i ments con ducted are pre sented to gether with the o ret i cal in ter pre ta tions of the ob tained re sults. Real ex per i ments were car ried out on a model of a gas surge ar rester spa tially con structed for ex per i ments pre sented in this pa per. The model was de signed in such a way that it was pos si ble to change all the rel e vant pa ram e ters of the gas surge ar rester model. Ex per i ments were con ducted un der well-con trolled lab o ra tory con di tions. The tests were per formed with d. c. and im pulse volt age. The re sults ob tained by ex per i ments were pro cessed by so phis ti cated sta tis ti cal meth ods. The ex pressed mea sure ment un cer tainty of the ex per i men tal pro ce dure showed a high sta tis ti cal re li abil ity of the ob tained re sults. Based on the re sults of the re search, the model of a gas surge ar rester, in which the ef fect of the hol low cath ode and the ra dio ac tive source 241Am were com bined, un am big u ously proved to have the best char ac ter is tics.

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