Second-Order Statistics of Non-Stationary Channels: An Off-Body Communications Example
This paper considers second-order statistics of non-stationary channels with arbitrary mobile antenna motion, by relaxing the constant velocity assumption inherent to stationary channel models. By assuming obstructed Line-of-Sight and horizontal signal propagation, analytical expressions for the Level-Crossing Rate (LCR) and Average Fade Duration are derived for non-isotropic scattering scenarios with Von Mises Distribution of angles of arrival. To demonstrate the non-stationary effects arising from non-linear motion, the obtained expressions are employed to investigate an off-body communications scenario with the user walking and the wearable antennas placed on the torso, wrist and lower leg. While the torso antenna yields an essentially stationary channel, for the latter two antenna locations the fading dynamics change periodically over the walking cycle. Two distinct phases with faster and slower signal variations are observed, with the former yielding 4.64 times higher LCR for the lower leg antenna.