Analiza Strukture Nezaposlenosti Visokoobrazovanih Kadrova u Republici Srpskoj i Mjere za Njezino Smanjenje / Analysis Of the Unemployment Structure of Highly Educated Personnel in the Republic of Srpska and Measures for its Reduction
Rezime Ovaj rad ima za cilj da analizira strukturu nezaposlenih visokoobrazovanih kadrova u Republici Srpskoj. Kroz ovu strukturu analiziraćemo nezaposlenost viskokoobrazovanih kadrova, kao i slobodna radna mjesta po polu i zanimanjima u Republici Srpskoj, što će pokazati da više od 1/2 kadrova, nakon završenog fakulteta, završava na Zavodu za zapošljavanje. Ovim istraživanjem doći ćemo do podataka koji govore koliko vremenski traje nezaposlenost visokoobrazovanih kadrova na Zavodu za zapošljavanje, odnosno koliko dugo visokoobrazovani kadrovi čekaju svoj prvi posao. Detaljnije ćemo se baviti analizom nezaposlenosti po regijama u Republici Srpskoj. Nećemo izostaviti ni nadležne institucije u Republici Srpskoj koje su posrednici za uspostavljanje ravnoteže između visokoobrazovanih kadrova i tržišta rada. U ovom radu posebno će biti interesantno istražiti nezaposlenost visokoobrazovanih kadrova iz područja ekonomije. Problem nezaposlenosti u Republici Srpskoj naročito je izražen u zadnjih nekoliko godina (2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013. i 2014). On se produbljuje sve više zbog neusklađene upisne politike od strane nadležnog Ministarstva i nemogućnosti tržišta rada da apsorbuje kadrove u realnom i javnom sektoru. Nećemo se baviti samo analizom nezaposlenosti u Republici Srpskoj. Predložićemo i mjere za smanjenje nezaposlenosti visokoobrazovanih kadrova. Najprije konstatujemo da se današnje društvo širom svijeta suočava sa golemom nezaposlenošću, a u tom kontekstu kao ogroman problem nameće se nezaposlenost visokoobrazovanih kadrova u Republici Srpskoj, koja će biti u fokusu ovog rada. Abstract The paper aims to analyse the structure of unemployed highly educated staff in the Republic of Srpska. As indicated, such structure shall enable analysis of unemployment of highly educated staff as well as of vacant jobs on the basis of gender and profession, thus demonstrating that more than 1/2 of the staff after graduation finds themselves at the Employment Agency. This survey shall provide data indicating the unemployment duration of highly educated staff, i.e. the time they spend waiting for their first job at the Employment Agency. Unemployment analysis throughout various regions of the Republic of Srpska shall be addressed in detail. Likewise, the relevant institutions of the Republic of Srpska, acting as proxies between highly educated people and the labour market, shall be integrated in the analysis. The paper shall be particularly focused on assessment of unemployment of highly educated people from the field of economy. The problem of unemployment in the Republic of Srpska has been particularly pronounced with the last few years (2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014). It is constantly deepened due to the inadequate enrolment policy by the Ministry and the inability of the labour market to absorb the staff in the real and the public sector. The analysis is not based exclusively on the Republic of Srpska. The measures to reduce unemployment of highly educated people in the Republic of Srpska shall also be introduced. It is evident that today’s society faces massive unemployment, including the unemployment of highly educated people in the Republic of Srpska, which represents an enormous issue, and is after all, the focus of the paper itself.