Compressed sensing on TDM-SENSE with rotating RF coil
Introduction: Compressed sensing (CS) has been applied to MRI [1,2] so as to exploit the data redundancy, based on the theory that compressible signals can be reconstructed from randomly under-sampled frequency information [3,4]. Thus, the imaging acceleration can be achieved. A number of CS variants, especially those employing the parallel imaging techniques, have been proposed with the aim to reduce the scan time and ameliorate various image artefacts [5]. Recently, Time-Division-Multiplexed Sensitivity Encoding (TDM-SENSE) scheme was proposed to perform fast data acquisition and image reconstruction using a physically rotating RF coil (RRFC) [6], with its freedom to encode with spatial and temporal changing sensitivity profiles. In this work, we applied CS with the TDM-SENSE concept to further reduce artefacts and evaluated the imaging performance of this method.