Kraniometrijske značajke zeca običnog (Lepus europaeus Pall.)s odabranih područja SZ Hrvatske i otoka Vira
The family of hares (Leporidae) expresses significant variation of morphological features under the influence of environment and diet. The aim of this research is craniometric analysis of hares from two different habitat types, in order to confirm the existence of different ecotypes of this species in Croatia. The hares were sampled in the area of island Vir (mediterranean habitat) and NW Croatia (continental habitat). Craniometric measurements were conducted on 26 skulls, whereof 9 were from the island of Vir and 17 skulls were from NW Croatia. 10 skulls belonged to females (38,46%) and 16 to males (61,54%). The total body mass and skull mass was measured for each animal. 27 skull measurements were made for all skulls, whereof 8 on mandible. Results showed that hares from the island of Vir had more than 30% lower body mass than those from continental habitats. Skull mass of females from the island of Vir was lower for 37,65% in comparison with continental habitats, and for males that percentage was 37,28%. This variation, as well as variations in total skull length (Vir males: 89,64 mm, females: 91,82 mm; NW Croatia males: 100.97 mm, females: 99,51 mm) and width of aboral part of zygomatic arch (Vir males: 43.23 mm, females: 42.99 mm; NW Croatia males: 46.87 mm, females: 46.70 mm), between hares from island Vir and NW Croatia, were all statisticaly significant. Variation in craniometric measurements according to sex was not significant for both sites. Results indicate the existence of different ecotypes of European hare in mediterranean and continental habitat.