Renata Androšević, E. Durmisevic, M. Brocato
8 24. 2. 2019.

Measuring reuse potential and waste creation of wooden façades

Building industry produces 38% of total waste and 40% of total CO2 emissions and uses 50% of all natural resources (EIB 2015). Taking this into account, decreasing the waste from any part of the building will help reducing total waste during the building life span. In this paper we will showcase the indicators for measuring of the waste creation from building façade upon transformation. Façade should follow transformations of the building without waste creation or without causing large financial or environmental impacts. The planning of building industry waste management begins in the design phase, as the waste prevention is the preferred option, and reuse, recycling, and other types of recovery are a second option according to EC. (Directive 2008/98/EC 2008). This paper will show the comparison between the conventional façade system made of wood and the prototype of GDC (Green Design Center) reversible façade system addressing the waste elimination. The reversible façade has been designed using design protocol for designing of low waste façade system for the future circular construction industry developed by Durmisevic 2017 as part of EU BAMB project. The protocol contains a rulebook with tools to measure the waste production during the transformation of building façade. This strategy aims to extend functional lifespan of external envelope of buildings and its components and materials, which would reduce the amount of consumed resources and generated waste during the lifespan of the façade. The contribution of this paper will also be in the field of connections in the building industry, as the importance of type of connections in the façade system with high reuse potential is noticeable.

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