An approach to techno-economical analysis for PLC broadband access telecommunication networks
In this paper, an approach to techno-economical analysis of using PLC technology (power line communications), in broadband access networks, is presented. After short comparative analysis of relevant techno-economical attributes of different technological solutions for realization of broadband access network, basic elements of PLC solution techno-economical analysis, are more specific defined. Regarding proposed algorithm, which helps making better decision, the part of distribution power network in Sarajevo was analysed, in the purpose of implementing concrete PLC broadband access network, on that area. In this paper, we made our own models of PLC access networks, based on relevant statistical analysis and local topography. This approach enables number prediction of potential users, without losing reliability. All of this has the purpose creating more realistic presumption about cost efficiency in using PLC technology, on specific LV (low voltage) network.