Comparison of PV plant energy generation prediction tools with measured data
The object of this research is to compare three of the most popular conventional analytical models used for estimation of electrical energy production of photovoltaic panels. From this analysis a single model will be selected with the best characteristics for implementation of modifications and corrections in order to get better energy production prediction results. Monthly and annual production results and errors will be the main criteria for the selection of a single model. Single prediction results of the selected model should be as accurate as possible in the smallest time periods, which are in this case monthly energy prediction results. This should guarantee that annual results are also rather accurate. Streszczenie. W artykule porownano trzy modele analityczne umozliwiające analize energii elektrycznej wytwarzanej przez panele fotowoltaiczne. Analizuje sie miesieczną i roczną produkcje energii na podstawie wybranych okresow czasowych. (Porownanie metod przewidywania produkcji enegii przez panele fotowoltaiczne)