Regulatory aspects of child online protection
Every day, children around the world are exposed to many online dangers. In this paper we try to give an overview and comparison of current EU and BiH regulatory measures and self-regulatory activities regarding the protection of children against child pornography and other forms of sexual abuse and exploitation through information and communication technologies. Communications Regulatory Agency of BiH like regulators in EU does not have jurisdiction to regulate Internet content, but it has responsibility for protecting the interests of end users of telecommunications i.e. children as the most vulnerable groups of end users too. Additionally, Communications Regulatory Agency of BiH has been involved in drafting state level action plans in order to improve the system for combating child pornography and other forms of sexual exploitation and abuse through Information and Communication Technologies in BiH. In the view of recently adopted regulations and the latest action plan, it is expected significantly improving the level of protection of children on the Internet in BiH in the future.