Pollen germination of some pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) varieties grown in Montenegro.
The research on pollen germination of three most important pomegranate varieties grown in coastal region of Montenegro and the hinterland is presented in this paper. The trial was carried out during the three consecutive years (2002-2004) on two sweet (‘Slatki barski’ and ‘Serbetas’), and one sour (‘Dividis meke kore’) pomegranate varieties. Pollen germination was tested on solid 1 % agar medium (Agar Plate method) with two concentrations of sucrose (10 and 15 %).‘Slatki barski’ and ‘Serbetas’ varieties showed higher degree of germination at the 15 % sucrose medium (65,96 and 71,27 %) than at the medium with 10 % (42,41 and 39,70 %). The degree of pollen germination was significantly lower in ‘Dividis meke kore’, on both sucrose concentrations (16,5 and 22,54 %). Therefore, pollen germination parameter in this variety should be tested before planting in mono-varietal orchards.