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The right to education and ICT cooperatively opened the way to education for groups that were limited to only small number of professions. The right to education is guaranteed to everyone, through the international human rights system that has come from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, a document that, at the end of two World Wars, the international community has opted for work on a better and more humane future. Realizing this right gives everyone the chance to develop their opportunities and to acquire intellectual, spiritual and social autonomy by acquiring knowledge, skills, values and attitudes. In addition, receiving the education and training of good quality are also prerequisites for the enjoyment of many other human rights such as the right to work and the right to informed participation in political and social life. In order to realize and consume the right, people with special needs, especially blind and visually impaired, need the ability to adjust the process for the realization of rights. In this context, the right to education also requires adaptability of the whole process.