The historical use of medicinal plants in traditional and scientific medicine.
There is a strong connection between man and nature, ever since his first origins, the man discovered the benefits of the plant kingdom, which he used to feed himself, to heal and to survive. Following the use of eatable, medicinal and poisonous plants takes us into the distant past. The man's first knowledge about plants passed from generation to generation. The ancients Chinese, Egyptians, Indians, Greeks, Romans and the Old Slavs knew a large number of medicinal plants. That knowledge was carried over to other nations as well. Thanks to its geographical location and climate condition, our country is abundant and very rich in variety of species of medicinal plants. In the Middle Ages, there were written many herbal manuals that described the use and procedures in healing with medicinal plants. Many plants were known by the oldest civilizations and they were used by the people for thousands of years. Moreover, today's science has confirmed their effectiveness in the treatment of different diseases.