The signet ring cell melanoma-rare morphologic variant of melanoma: Case report.
e20020 Background: Melanoma is a malignant tumor of melanocytes of skin. The histopathological variants of malignant melanoma include the common type (lentigo maligna (5%), superficial spreading melanoma (65%), nodular melanoma (15%), acrolentiginous melanoma (5%). The signet ring cell melanoma is a rare form melanoma, being seen in some 0.5% of melanomas. AIM OF WORK That showed young women with signet ring cell melanoma is a rare form melanoma. METHODS We describe a 39-year-old patient with a primary signet-ring cell melanoma of the skin located on the left upper quadrant of abdominal wall. RESULTS Diagnosis the tumour of skin was in department of surgery and histhopatology in General hospital in Bijeljini in December of the 2007. We performed clinical and histhopatologic examination. Physical examination revealed a well circumscribed and firm mass measuring 150x 100x 80 mm of the skin located on the upper quadrant of abdominal wall and solid mass in pelvis. Because of high suspect melanoma in patient performed surgical excision of skin tumor. Pathohysthology diagnosis was: Melanoma nodularis achromaticum. Immunohistochemistry showed positive reaction of the tumor cells for S-100, HMB-45 protein and vimentin, confirming their melanocytic differentiation. Tumor cells were negative for cytokeratins, epithelial membrane antigen (EMA), and carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA). After immunohistochemistry analysis definitive pathohystology was: Signet ring cell melanoma. The signet-ring cell melanoma disclosed an invasion to Clark Level V and tumor thickness Breslow level III. Tumor from pelvis was appertain uterus and histopathologic diagnosis is a leomyoma. CONCLUSIONS Signet-ring cell melanoma is a rare morphologic variant of melanoma. Its recognition is important for differentiation from other tumors featuring signet ring cells. No significant financial relationships to disclose.