Preeclampsia Risk and Angiotensinogen Polymorphisms M235T and AGT -217 in African American and Caucasian Women
Introduction: Genetic variants of the angiotensinogen gene have been linked to both hypertension and preeclampsia. The M235T polymorphism is more common in hypertension and preeclampsia in some populations. A polymorphism in the angiotensinogen basal promoter region of AGT -217 is more common in African Americans with hypertension. The authors investigated the frequency of M235T and AGT -217 in Caucasian and African American women with and without preeclampsia. Methods: The study was a nested case—control study of primiparous women with singleton pregnancies. Genomic DNA from preeclamptic and control subjects underwent polymerase chain reaction amplification and restriction digestion. Results: The M235T and AGT -217 polymorphisms were both more common in African American women; however, the variants were not more common in preeclampsia. Conclusion: The frequency of angiotensinogen polymorphisms M235T and AGT -217 is different by race; however, these polymorphisms are not associated with an incre ased risk of preeclampsia.