Bruno Franjić, Alija Kotarević
0 6. 2. 2017.


Inspiracija za rad i problem(i) koji se radom oslovljava(ju): Neophodnost unaprjeđenja identifikacije vatrenog oružja na temelju tragova na cahurama ispaljenim iz vatrenog oružja. Ciljevi rada (naucni i/ili drustveni): Cilj rada je da se vjestacima balisticarima prezentiraju podaci i iskustva o tragovima, koji nastaju prilikom izvlacenja-izbacivanja cahura nakon ispaljenja iz pistolja „Tokarev TT33“ cal. 7,62 x 25 mm i pistolja koji su proizvedeni na bazi navedenog pistolja, kao sto su pistolji marke „Zastava“ modeli M57 cal. 7,62 x 25 mm, marke „Norinco“ model M54, M54-1, marke „Zastava“ modeli: M70, M70A, M88, M88A cal. 9 x 19 mm. Ove tragove smo nazvali “Tragovi kraka tijela mehanizma za okidanje”. Pomenuti tragovi ce (pored ostalih tragova na cahurama: tragovi udarne igle, cela zatvaraca, izbacivaca, izvlakaca na dancetu cahura i dr.), pomoci vjestacima balisticarima za donosenje konacnog zakljucka o identifikaciji cahura, odnosno vatrenog oružja iz kojeg su iste ispaljene, pogotovu u slucajevima kada neki od ovih nabrojanih tragova nemaju izražene individualne karakteristike. Metodologija/Dizajn: U ovom radu izvrsena je analiza nastanka navedenog traga, njegova jedinstvenost, ponavljanje, položaj istog u odnosu na ostale tragove i mogucnosti vezane za identifikaciju navedenog traga, odnosno dijela oružja od koga isti nastaje, kako zasebno, tako i identifikacije vatrenog oružja u cijelosti. Ogranicenja istraživanja/rada: Ogranicenja ovog istraživanja, eventualno, mogu proisticati iz nedostupnosti svih modela pistolja cal. 7,62 x 25 mm i cal. 9 x 19 mm koji su proizvedeni na bazi pistolja „Tokarev TT33“ cal. 7,62 x 25 mm. Rezultati/Nalazi: Tragovi kraka tijela mehanizma za okidanje nisu slucajno nastali, koji se ponavljaju na svim cahurama, koje su ispaljene iz pistolja i modela koji su proizvedeni na bazi pistolja „Tokarev TT33“ cal. 7,62 x 25 i 9 x 19 mm. Tragovi ne zavise od proizvođaca streljiva, sadrže i opce i individualne karakteristike, koji se reproduciraju na svim cahurama ispaljenim iz ispitivanih pistolja i modela. Generalni zakljucak: Tragovi kraka tijela mehanizma za okidanje, sadrže izražene individualne karakteristike, na temelju kojih se može izvrsiti pozitivna identifikacija vatrenog oružja. Pomenuti tragovi ce pored ostalih tragova na cahurama: tragovi udarne igle, cela zatvaraca, izbacivaca, izvlakaca na dancetu cahura i dr., pomoci vjestacima balisticarima za donosenje konacnog zakljucka o identifikaciji cahura, odnosno vatrenog oružja iz kojeg su iste ispaljene, pogotovu u slucajevima kada neki od navedenih tragova nemaju izražene individualne karakteristike. Opravdanost istraživanja rada: Opravdanost rada leži u cinjenici, da on predstavlja originalni naucni rad, koji predstavlja koristan izvor informacija za vjestake-eksperte koji se bave balistickim vjestacenjima. --------------------------------------------------- SPECIFIC MARKS OF THE PRONGS OF THE TRIGGER MECHANISM BODY, ON THE CARTRIDGE CASES FIRED FROM THE PISTOL “TOKAREV” CAL. 7,62 x 25 mm AND THE PISTOLS THAT ARE MADE ON THE BASIS OF THE ABOVE MENTIONED PISTOL CAL. 7,62 x 25 mm I CAL. 9 x 19 mm The inspiration for the paper and the problem(s) that the paper addresses: The necessity of improving the identification of firearms on the bases of the traces on the cartridge cases fired from firearms. The goals of the paper (scientific and/or social): The goal of the paper is to present to ballistics experts information and experiences on the traces that occur during the drawing-ejection of the cartridge cases after the firing from the pistol, “Tokarev TT33” cal. 7.62 x 25 mm and the pistols that are made on the basis of the mentioned pistol, such as the pistols of the “Zastava” brand models M57 cal. 7.62 x 25 mm, of the “Norinco” brand Model M54, M54-1, of the “Zastava” brand models: M70, M70A, M88, M88A cal. 9 x 19 mm. We called these traces “Traces of the prongs of the trigger mechanism body”. The above mentioned marks (among other marks on the cartridge cases: Firing pin marks, breechface marks, ejector marks, extractor marks on the head of the cartridge cases, etc.) will help ballistics experts to draw the final conclusion on the identification of shells, i.e. firearms from which they were fired, especially in cases where some of these listed marks do not have prominent individual characteristics. Methodology/Design: In this paper, an analysis of the occurrence of the mentioned mark, its uniqueness, the repetition, the position of the mark in relation to other marks and possibilities related to the identification of the mentioned mark, i.e. of a part of the gun from which the mark arises, both individually and identification of firearms wholly. Research/the paper limitations: Limitations of this study, possibly, may result from the unavailability of all pistol models cal. 7.62 x 25 mm and cal. 9 x 19 mm, which are made on the basis of the pistol, “Tokarev TT33” cal. 7.62 x 25 mm. Results/findings: Traces of prongs of the trigger mechanism body have not accidentally occurred, which are repeated on all cartridge cases, which are fired from pistols and models that are made based on the pistol “Tokarev TT33” cal. 7.62 x 25 and 9 x 19 mm. Marks do not depend on the manufacturers of ammunition, they contain both general and individual characteristics, which are reproduced on all cartridge cases fired from the tested pistols and models. General conclusion: Traces of prongs of the trigger mechanism body contain prominent individual characteristics, on the basis of which a positive identification of firearms can be made. The aforementioned marks, among other marks on the cartridge cases: firing pin marks, breechface marks, ejector marks, extractor marks on the head of the cartridge cases, etc.) will help ballistics experts to draw the final conclusion on the identification of cartridge cases, i.e. firearms from which they were fired, especially in cases where some of these listed marks do not have prominent individual characteristics. Research/the paper justifiability: The justification of the paper lies in the fact that it represents an original scientific work, which is a useful source of information for experts dealing with ballistic expertise.

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